Relax, My Wife

"Relax for now Lexi. Let's deal with Hoven tomorrow. You have seen how my aunt was and I don't think we will get a clear answer from her now she will listen to anyone. Go back to your room and rest in the meantime. You too, Rylie. Go back to Kaizer and rest. Thank you girls for today, for taking care of me and Rocco."

When Rylie and Lexi left the room, Elsa quickly checked Rocco, who peacefully slept in his crib, and remembered Chris. Even though they already know why Milda sneaked out from the dining hall tonight, she still can't tell Chris that she is having suspicions about her. At least not yet, not until he gets back home.

'Are you still awake?' she called out to Chris.

Chris scoffed and replied, 'Yes. Are you going to hurt me again?'