Enjoy My Reward

Chris placed the rose beside the tub where Elsa would see it the moment she woke up. As much as he wanted to spend time with his wife, he also understood that she must be very tired after using immense power and strength to save Laureen and him.

He stood up, ready to leave his wife in peace before he felt Elsa tug his hand.

"Where are you going? I thought you would join me?" Elsa drawled as she looked up at Chris with sleepy eyes.

"I thought you were already sleeping and I don't want to disturb you."

"I must have dozed off. But I'm awake now. Join me, please… I really miss you…" Elsa pouted, staring at her husband with puppy eyes.

Chris smiled giddily and hastily stepped into the tub. Elsa moved forward a bit so her husband could sit behind her and she could lean on his sturdy chest as they both relaxed in the warm water.

"This feels good, right?" Elsa mentioned as soon as Chris settled in.