Share A Little Secret

Elsa was stunned and speechless as she stared at Neia who was smiling back at her. She was confused if she had heard it right the first time so she asked, "My father gave you my great-grandmother's book? You mean he is alive and he is here in Vectus?"

"Yes, your father. Dark blonde hair and it's a bit long, he definitely needs a haircut."

"Are you sure Neia? When and where did you see him? Why hasn't he reached out to me instead?" Elsa queried, still not sure if she would believe Neia or not.

"That, I can't tell. We met during difficult circumstances and I promised him to not tell you more like what he wanted. And I intend to keep my promise. The only thing he wanted you to know is that he survived and is alive, well at least until he handed me that book.