Three Glasses (2)

"Hey, slow down. Why are you such in a hurry?" Elsa demanded from Chris but he just stayed silent. She could feel that he was panicking in their bond.

When they got outside of the inn, they still found Aeson and Baahu who were leaving with their carriage that was carrying Elsa's medical tools.

Chris quickly reached out to Aeson via their link, 'Stop! Don't leave!'

Aeson turned around and stopped their horse from going further. "Is something wrong?" he asked Chris.

"Yes, that fucking vampire gave Elsa a ruby wine by mistake. She drank three glasses already so we don't have much time before it takes effect."

"What's the big deal? Am I going to die?" Elsa was starting to panic as well seeing how the people around her were reacting to the said wine. But no one seemed to want to answer her.

"Uh oh. The castle is too far and the inn around here is definitely not the right place to ride out the effect of that wine," Aeson said.