Marina’s Plan

Elsa called put Chris once again. He had to put off his conversation with Marina for now and promise to continue it later together with Hera and Nathan.

Everyone lined up on the stage where Rocco and his parents were to give him gifts. To Elsa's surprise, the guests not only gave her son gifts but also to her. 

Most of the gifts they received were jewels, tiny trinkets, and small toys since Hera and Nathan specifically told them not to give large gifts since they could only carry a handful going to Novus.

"I still could not believe these people! They really spend a lot just to give us something to remember them," Elsa said as she and Chris walked to their room after putting Rocco to sleep in the nursery.

"It's because you really made an impact on their lives and they had given you a special place in their hearts," Chris replied, snaking his hand around her waist.