Childhood Sweetheart

With the sweater, stomach warmer, and socks, Li Chenmo felt warm in no time. He carefully placed the gloves, hat, and scarf beside the bed.

Seeing him like this, Lu Jueyu said, "I'll measure Uncle Li and your size tomorrow. It's almost Chinese New Year, and you also need new clothes for our wedding."

"By the way, Brother Chenmo, I also made a sweater for Uncle Li. Do you think it's okay for me to give it to your father?" she asked.

Li Chenmo looked at her tenderly and said, "What about your father and my father? My father is your father. As long as it is given by his daughter-in-law, he will be happy."

Lu Jueyu blushed and said, "We're not married yet, so don't talk nonsense."

"What nonsense? You're going to be my wife sooner or later." He chuckled.

She was a little embarrassed so she tried to change the subject, and asked, "Brother Chenmo, how is your injury? Is it better now?"

"Yeah. I feel much better now."

"Do you still feel pain?" she asked again.

"No, even the swelling is gone."

After thinking for a while, she asked again, "Do you want to go to the county seat for a check up the day after tomorrow?"

Li Chenmo thought for a while and said, "Then I will inform my father. We may need to borrow a tractor from the team leader."

"Alright. I made some dried fruit before, we can give some to the team leader when we borrow the tractor." Lu Jueyu thought about the candied fruit in her space and suggested.


They chatted until Father Li came back. Seeing that Lu Jueyu was still there, Father Li asked in surprise, "Xiaoyu, why are you still there? It's already very late."

"Uncle Li, you're back." She stood up and took out a bundle from the basket.

"Uncle Li, this is for you. The weather is getting cold lately, so you need to wear more clothes." She handed him the bundle.

Father Li was surprised by the unexpected gift. He glanced at his son, saw him nodding his head, accepted it, and said, "Thank you, Xiaoyu. But, there is no need to spend money on gifts for me."

Although Father Li said so, the smile on his face proved otherwise. He is very happy to receive a gift from his future daughter-in-law. He was very surprised when he opened the package and saw a sweater, gloves, hat, scarf, socks and stomach warmer inside.

"This must cost a lot of money." he said with wide-eyed eyes.

"I have a friend who works in a factory. These wools are leftovers. I bought them at a cheaper price. Uncle Li, try to see if it suits you." Lu Jueyu said casually.

Father Li looked at the new sweater with complicated eyes. Even if she bought it at a cheaper price, it would still cost a lot of money. Is his son's money enough for her to spend? If she spends money like this, how will they live in the future?

Li Chenmo understood his father's expression, but he didn't say anything. The money he gave her, even if he didn't work, was enough to feed them for several years. What's more, he didn't intend to waste his days. When he retired from the military, he already had plans.

When Father Li put on the new sweater, Lu Jueyu checked the size and said, "It's not bad, but it's a little big. I'll make it smaller next time."

Hearing that there will be another time, Father Li said with a smile, "There is no need to make so many clothes. One new piece of clothing every few years is enough."

Father Li's way of thinking is very common in this era. Most people's clothes last for years and are mended if they are worn out. For a large family, the younger children would wear older siblings' old clothes and rarely have new clothes. But Lu Jueyu had a different idea. Because she has a lot of materials, she can make more clothes for them. She also plans to made a new quilt. The quilt used by her family and that of the Li family is already too thin and old.

When she returned to her house, Father Li walked her home as the sky already darkened and it was dangerous for a young woman to walk alone, especially after several cases happened in the past few weeks.

The next day, Lu Han and Lu Cheng came to Li's house to dig ponds and build waterways. At the same time, Lu Jueyu went to find the production team leader after delivering breakfast to Li Chenmo and Father Li. As for Father Li, he insisted on helping the Lu brothers to build the pond and waterways.

Lu Jueyu learned from her mother that the team leader's wife had just given birth to a son. So instead of candied fruit, she took out half a catty of brown sugar and five eggs. Although not much, it is a good thing for women who have just given birth.

Today's weather is warmer than yesterday, and the snow has melted. When she walked to the team leader's house, the villagers were outside basking in the sun. When she sees them, she greets them. Whenever she greeted the villagers, they either smiled awkwardly or looked at her in surprise.

In their memory, Lu Jueyu was an arrogant, short-tempered, and gloomy girl. They didn't expect that after she recovered from the high fever, her personality would change so much. Now she is not only more cheerful and lively but also more beautiful and polite.

When Lu Jueyu arrived at the team leader's house, she saw a young man cleaning the front yard and a little girl watching at the door. When he heard her footsteps, he stopped and raised his head. As soon as he saw her, a smile appeared on his face as joy filled his eyes as he asked, "Jueyu, what brought you here today?"