Chapter 17

He took out a golden pocket watch from the pocket of his suit. He furrowed his eyebrows as he glance at the time. 'Why does the time flow slower than those tiny slimy creature.' He sighed. Time went slower sometime but flow faster the other time. Was it the flow of time or was it the trick of mind.

"Did you, still find nothing on her?"

Lev flinched. "Not yet, My Lord. However, it seem there is relation to Mavro."

"Mavro? Since when did that guy get involved with such activities."

"It was not him, but, someone under him."

"Hah, he can't even control his own people."

"My Lord, do you want to contact him?"

"If he is necessary. If not, just go with the plan."


Vladimir check the time again. There are still 20 minutes left before the appointed time. To know about the young lady was similar to finding a missing pieces of puzzle. Not only do the puzzle need to be put at it place to see the whole picture, but it also need the complete set.

He felt intrigued. What will it be when the complete set of the puzzle finished. How will the young lady looked like in his eyes. He didn't knew yet but he wanted to know. When he saw the young lady, there was an unfamiliar sensation that enthralled all his senses. His eyes could only reflected her. His ears could only listen to her honeyed-like voice. His nose could only smell the sweet and fresh lavender that permeated the air. When she stood near him, he could felt her warmth against his skin.

Vladimir looked at his palm. The memory of holding that soft and small hand were still fresh in his head. His hand was sweating, his heart was about to leap out. He was afraid that he might dirty that milky white hand with his sweaty and blood-stained hand. Perhaps it was because the young lady looked innocence and was untainted that he could not bear to let her see any filth. He forgot that he never really care about this before meeting her.

"Good evening, Lord Vladimir."

It was this sweet honeyed-like voice that he wished to hear. The gentle, sweet voice that called his name. He turned to see the owner of the voice.

The young lady wore a peach colored dress with loose, flowy sleeves. Her footstep was light, yet graceful. She sat at the opposite side of the table.

"Lord Vladimir," she said, her palm on her chest, "there are no word that could describe how grateful I am for the kindness that My Lord have shown toward me and my siblings. Although our life was not as harsh as what people ought to be, we were still hoping for a life where we could find our happiness, freed from the clutch of those that meant harm for my family. Lord Vladimir, allow me to express my gratitude. Lord Vladimir, if there was anything that you wished from me, you have my word that you shall have it."

Vladimir does have something he wish to know from her, but, his stomach churned at the idea of using her gratitude for his benefit. He loathe the idea of depending on the young lady to gain information that he want for his own. He thought, perhaps, he do not need the information from the young lady. He was confident, he could obtained the information on his own. The young lady do not need to be reminded of that person.

"There was nothing that I need. You just need to live here, peacefully," he said.

The servants came in and served the food. Aretha looked at the dish in front of her.

"Lord Vladimir, have you heard of Chazak?"

Vladimir squinted his eyes. "How did you know about that?"

"There was a story that I used to share with some people. It was a story about a brave warrior that fought against the evil. The brave warrior and his companion was called Chazak, for they had become the mean of courage and bravery."

"I have never heard of such story."

"That story was derived from a small village from Rothnia Kingdom. It was a forgotten story that seldom being told nowadays."

"And yet, you knew about it?"

"It was a story told to me by a companion of my grandparent. I have forgotten what he looked like for it was such a distant memory."

"Is that all about it?"

"Lord Vladimir. Here I thought you have no interest to ask from me anything you desire. Perhaps, it was the name Chazak, that was too attractive to be rejected."

"It is attractive indeed, and that is why you would mentioned it the moment I rejected your offer. Tell me, is there anything else that you want?"

"Lord Vladimir, as I told you before, it is my wish to express my gratitude for your generosity. I am not such person that would forget one kindness toward me and my family."

"Is that all? You are willing to give me the information that could destroy a nation for an act of kindness?"

"That place, was not a home for me and my family. It never did. Lord Vladimir, as you must know, a rotten fruit must not be kept for it will attract fly, and a rotten place must be cleanse and decorated with new things to regain it beauty."

Both Pomona and Agustin watched the young lady with a face of adoration and satisfaction. 'Such a humble and smart young lady. It is no wonder that she was able to grab the attention of Master. How harsh life had been toward her for her to become matured at young age.' Pomona thought.

'The young lady is indeed one with a sensible heart. Has she received a formal education before? Well, if not, then she will as she would, for she would be the grand duchess.' Agustin thought.

Lev glimpsed over the old couple, and sighed. 'It seem, the young lady already won over them. It is understandable. It is indeed fascinating for a young lady from that place to hold conversation with My Lord. I should keep an eye on her.'

Aretha felt a chill on her spine. She pondered on what she had done for her to be the recipient of those passionate stare. However, there was no malice, thus she put the matter aside and turned her attention to the man in front of her.

"If that is your wish, do as you see fit."

"Shall we have some chat tomorrow for the continuation of the story?"

Vladimir paused. Before he came to dining hall, he received a letter that make his face darken. "That would not be possible, for I have an audience with His Majesty."

"Then, whenever Lord Vladimir wished to meet me, I shall be ready."

"Tonight. Visit my room tonight."

Aretha hands flinched, her eyes seem trembled for a second. "Yes, My Lord."

They resumed to finish the meal. Pomona and Agustin was shocked and confused. Of course they knew that their master was not a gentlemen, but, they also knew he was not the type that would just asked an innocence girl to his warm his bed. This was not how one should treat their spouse, or future spouse. They turned to Lev. The man only lightly shrugged his shoulders.

Once they finished their meal, Vladimir rushed to his office, for him to make some preparation for the audience tomorrow. Aretha went back to her room to unpack her luggage.

Lev was about to follow after his master, when a hand grabbed his shoulder. "Is there anything that we should know about Lady?" Agustin said.

Lev sighed. "You could have not think that she was just a simple country girl, would you?"

"No. She look more brilliant than that."

Lev sighed again. "She… do not have a comfortable life. In Yemen Kingdom, wasn't there a famous place known as Calla Lillies in Rosaceae City?"

"That place was indeed known to almost every noble and people who keep up with the news and trend."

Pomona eyes widen. "Could it be, My Lady…"

Lev nodded. "She was also involved with a big figure. That's why His Excellency brought her here." Lev took the chance to ran away from the couple as they were in daze.

"How much pain must have the Lady gone through for her to have such a strong heart,"Pomona said.

"It must have been the harsh life that had borne the calmness and maturity in the gentleness and innocence of the young lady." Agustin added.

"It seem that I need to put more effort to make My Lady feel welcome and comfortable at here."


At night.

Soon he heard a knocked on the door. The moment he opened the door, a gush of sweet fragrance brushed his nose. The view of her was ethereal. Her peach colored night gown draped with the transparent pink robe, brings out the innocence yet seductive look.

His eyes trailed down her thin legs. The gown was short, she must have been cold, he thought. But he didn't hate it. She look beautiful in whatever she wear.

"Lord Vladimir?" she whispered.

Her soft milky voice burned his blood. He clenched his fist and tighten his jaw. He grabbed her hand and pulled her inside. He could not wait any longer. The door closed and locked.


*Little Theater*

Lev : "How did the two of you end up together?"

Pomona blushes : "Ask your father."

Agustin with a proud smile on his face while glancing toward Pomona : "I seduced her."

Lev : "Whu…?"

Pomona : "It was me who proposed to you."

Agustin : "My dear, that was because I was too afraid of any possibility of being rejected by you. My heart won't be able to accept it."

Pomona : "If I don't propose that time, would you have stop liking me then?"

Agustin : "Of course NO! How can I live without breathing?"

Lev, confused : "What was the correlation?"

Agustin : "Loving your mother is the same as breathing to me. If I stop loving you, my dear, I will die and perished from this loneliness."

Pomona : "You can't! If you perished from this world, what is the meaning of this life of mine?"

Lev : (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Lev : "You guys must have quite a rushed marriage huh? Can't wait to be with each other much?"

Pomona : "Right after I propose to him, he carried me to registered our marriage the same day."

Lev : "What?"

Agustin : "How can I waste even a second of the opportunity being your husband?"

Pomona : "My dear~"

Agustin, holding Pomona's hand, looking into her eyes : "My love~"

Pomona : "My star~"

Agustin : "My everything~"

Pomona and Agustin inching closer.

Lev : "Stop! Stop! Stop! What are you guys doing in front of these little children?!"

Pomona and Agustin look at each other.

Agustin : "My love. If you give me permission, allow this humble man to escort you to our love nest."

Pomona : "Of course you could do that, my dear."

Pomona and Agustin walk away.

C.Udon : "Heh."

Lev : .______.

C.Udon : "Seems like they left you here."

Lev : "I shouldn't have come."