Chapter 19

Soon, they finished their meal. She said, "Shall we take a walk?" and was received quite excitedly by the children. It was not a daily event for their sister to spend time with them. Every second was precious. Perhaps, that was a lesson that all of them learn when they lost their family at such a young age. That would be, including Aretha, of course.

There was a big oak tree near a small pond, behind the south building. It was a place suggested by Linda, the nanny. They walked as they talked, about mundane and boring topics, about the beautiful buildings, the colorful flowers they saw, the animals that came into their view, about the book they had read.

"Sister, I read something that made me confused." Diana said.

"What was it?"

"There was an author that mentioned siren and mermaid are one of a kind, but, I thought siren was a demonic monster, wasn't they?"

"They are. Siren is a demonic monster, but it was also true that siren is indeed one kind with the mermaid."

"How so? What I know, mermaid are beautiful, kind despite their arrogance."

"Did you know why siren are known as demonic monster?"

"Umm… There was a reason?"

"Of course, there is."

"Then, what was it?"

"Do you remember the history about the war of humankind and other species that I told you?"

Diana nodded. "I do."

"Although most of the mermaids hide deep in the sea of water and refused to be involved with the livings on the land and in the sky, there are also a numbers of them that involved themselves in the war. Those are the one who lost their life. Some of the mermaids that remained turned vengeful and bore hatred toward humankind, for human were the reason behind the cruel event. Can you guess what happen?"

"They took revenge?"

"That is right. Revenge. However, they knew that they could not rival with human at that time for human was strong and talented in war. So, they seek help for a power that goes against the power humankind used. The power of demon. For they had abandoned their nature, and seek the power from demon, they changed. From the beautiful, colorful scale and skin mermaid, to the dull blueish gray siren. The mermaids who sang to the melody of the sea, expressing their joy and glee, and the sirens who sang to bewitch and lure human into the abyss of the sea."

"That is scary. How do we avoid being enchanted by them?"

"There was an author that wrote his experience of meeting a siren. I quote 'it was almost impossible for I to escape. How could I? I was bewitched by those beautiful voice that penetrated deep into my mind. I felt that time, it was fine for I to jump, so I could met the one whose voice was exquisitely beautiful and exquisitely charming. I was in love. However, I met the love of my life, who was at that time, on an adventure on the sea. My mind cleared up.' What do you think?"

Diana lifted her eyebrow. She shrugged her shoulder. "Fall in love?"

Aretha laughed. "Perhaps. Maybe not. The subject of mind is something that are still under study. Even I, myself is still analyzing what the author meant."

"Then… does that mean, there is no solution for that?"

"I could not give an answer to that."

Diana hummed. She was engrossed in her thinking. Perhaps, she was thinking how could she defeat one if she were to meet one. Aretha chuckled seeing the girl deep in thought.

The oak tree was enormous. Nika laid a thin blanket and put down the basket filled with utensil, foods and drink. They sat under the shade of the tree.

Cole eyes was locked on a plate of various cookies. "Sister, did you planned this picnic? You even brought the cookies that we like," he said, hand grabbing the ginger cookies.

"I wished I could said, I planned it, but no, it's a coincidence, really. I only brought the cookies for you. It was your nanny that told me about this place, and, I asked them to prepare the essential," she replied.

Lucy tilted her head up, her forefinger pointed to the sky. "Seem like, that, even fate could not bear to part us."

Aretha and the children laughed joyfully. How much they wished, their daily life could be as peaceful as that moment. "Fate, huh." Aretha murmured, in low voice, where no one could hear.

Peter grabbed the chocolate cookies and munched it. 'As expected, the one sister made is always perfect,' he thought. He took the last bite, and a sip of coffee, then looked at Aretha. "Sister, could you not stay far from us?"

"Of could I would not."

"I mean, could you stay at the same place with us?"

"That…" she sighed, "I shall not, my dear. His Excellency had freed us from that place, thus to him our gratitude fall. He did not separate us far from each other and gave us place to stay. For that, we must be thankful. There was something I had to do for him, which required my presence, thus he gave me a room to stay. Do not worry, I will visit frequently."

Peter held out his little finger. "Promise you will visit frequently?"

Aretha linked her pinkie finger with his. "Promise."

They spent the rest of the day talking, walking around the garden, and it was only after dinner did Aretha went back to the main building which is around 20 minutes by carriage.

"Nika, for tomorrow outing, do you perhaps know where could I get glasses?"

"Was it for Young Master Cole?"

"Yes, I wonder would there be a day where those two would stop fighting. Diana might be smaller than the other, but she is stronger. As you can see, one punch from her had send Cole's glasses to its grave."

"My Lady, it might be weird for me to say this, but, the two of them seem closer than the other."

"There was nothing strange. The two of them are closer than the other to each other. Who knows, perhaps, it will be their fate to be with each other until their hair turned white."

"There was a person I know who make the best glasses. I shall guide My Lady to him tomorrow."

"That would be good. Do not forget to show me other places also. I would like to buy some clothes and necessity for them."

"Yes, My Lady."

For a month, her routine would be to spend time with her siblings, and sometimes, before going to bed, she would read book that are related to the history of the empire, history of Sergeyev family, the encyclopedia of the monsters, the royal etiquette, the noble etiquette, the book on economy, the book of social science, the principle behind magic and elements, and many more.

When she went out with her siblings, she would make sure they have their own allowance, and she will used hers to buy clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, accessories, for them, that sometime she forgot to buy something for herself. She kept her word, to never stay overnight in other place than her room at the main building.

In the blink of an eyes, a month passed by. Tonight, as usual, she read some book, and went to sleep. She was about to visit her dream, when she heard a light footstep outside her room. The door opened, and there he was.

Vladimir was forced to stay for a month in the palace on the order of the Emperor. He was annoyed, but how could he expressed that to the ruler of the empire, so he kept it to himself. Every night he would be reminded by the very woman who spend the night with him before he went to the palace. 'Ella' he would mumbled that name night by night.

Soon as he arrived at his castle, he went to her room. He could felt her warmth from behind the door. He opened the door, and there she was, lying on the bed, perhaps ready to sleep. She rose from her sleep. "Lie down," he said.

"Lord Vladimir?"

"Yes. It is I. Sleep." He pushed her down, and lay down beside her. "Sleep for now. We will continue talking tomorrow."

He brought her to his embrace and caress her back. Aretha was soothe by his warmth, and closed her eyes. Vladimir kiss her forehead, and he too, fall asleep.


The next morning, in a room at the north building.

The lady combed her strawberry blonde hair. She stared at her pink eyes reflected on the mirror. "How do I look?" she said.

The maid beside her replied, "You look absolutely stunning, My Lady."

The lady hummed. "I know."

They heard a knock on the door. The maid went and opened the door. A male servant came in. "My Lady, His Excellency is back from the capital," he said.

"Really?" Her voice bubbled with excitement.

"Yes, My Lady. Apparently, His Excellency had came back last night."

"Last night?" Her eyes widen.

The male servant startled. It seem he had said something wrong. His forehead sweats. "Ye—yes, My lady."

"He came back last night and you only come to inform me now?!" She threw the comb in her hand toward the make servant. The comb landed right next to him. Fortunately, it did not land on him, he thought.

"You!" She pointed to the maid.

The maid flinched. "Yes, My Lady."

"Do my hair nicely. Tell the other to pick the most beautiful dress."

"Yes, My Lady."

The lady looked at the male servant. "Do they know about this?"

The male servant took a second before he could realize who are 'they' that the lady mentioned. "It seem they kn—know, I saw another servants went to their room."

The male servant trembled as he saw the fierce glare the lady gave to him. She grabbed a small box containing a piece of jewel and threw it at him. Unfortunately, it landed on his shoulder. He could felt the pain, but he knew he was not allowed to whine.

"Get out!" she shouted, "useless!"

The male servant shambled off the room. The maid continued to style the lady's hair, while another few maid came in with dresses.


*Little Theater*

C.Udon : "Roses are red, violets are blue, be careful of threat, its coming for you."