Chapter 26

Crystal chandeliers shine the magical bright light throughout the wide hall room. There were long tables filled with variety of gourmet at the side of the hall. Cushioned bench and chair were prepared for those with weak knee, unable to enjoy the banquet whilst standing all time. The stage was prepared for the band to perform their artistic melody. The floor was shining with not a speck of dust, for fear the guest would stumbled while they dance.

The herald announced the name of the guest, and the hall started to crowd with people in suits and dresses. Chatters echoed in the once tranquil space. "Announcing, Count Sancus, Countess Sancus, Lord Sancus and Lady Sancus," the herald said, in a voice that echoed through the wide hall. All eyes fell on the Young Lady Sancus. They whispered their adoration and envy for the beauty that transcend the sky. They did not forgot to include the Young Lord Sancus in their chatters.

The murmuring once again stopped when the herald announced, "announcing, Marquis Adad, Marchioness Adad, and Lady Adad." The hall was filled with skeptical eyes, that looked through the bright purple dress wore by Minerva. Her clothes never failed to attract people's attention. Despite being at the center of malicious rumors, she was and always envied by people for her brilliance, and wealth. She was a true noble among the nobles. People have said lots of malicious thing behind her back, but none would dare to openly show their blatant hate and jealousy.

Another herald from the other side of the hall, announced, "announcing, Grand Duke Sergeyev and Lady Ella." The two descended from the stairs, her hand on his arm.

Leyna was a beauty radiant with purity and innocence. Minerva was the kind of beauty that charmed people with her elegance, wealth, dignity and nobility. If Leyna was white and pink, then, Minerva would be purple and gold.

However, Aretha was the kind of beauty that at first glance, was naive, innocent, and youthful. The second glance, she would be matured, graceful, and seductive. The third glance, she would be ethereal, charming and full of mystery. She could be any color that she want. She could be white, and she could be black. She could be green, and she could be blue. She could be yellow, and she could be red. She could be as bright as day and she could be as dark as the night.

Aretha wore an olive green dress with gold design. Her hair braided on one side decorated with pieces of lustrous and translucent gemstones. The eyes of the nobles in the hall were filled with envy, disgust, curiosity, and amusement. She managed to bore the intense scrutiny from them and gave them the brightest smile she had.

Vladimir held the glass of wine in the air. "I, Vladimir Igor Sergeyev, thank all that attended today's banquet. May all be blessed with much prosperity and good health."

The guests cheers and clinked their glasses with each other. Each of the nobles look for the opportunity to greet the host of the banquet. Marquis Adad and Marchioness Adad met Vladimir.

"Such a grand banquet, Your Excellency! It seem Lev must had improved lots of his skill for today banquet," Marquis Adad said.

"This truly one magnificent banquet, however, Marquis, it was not Lev who arranged the banquet this time," Vladimir placed his hand on Aretha's back, and looked at her, "Ella, this is Marquis Adad and Marchioness Adad."

Marquis Adad turned his eyes toward Aretha. He remembered something his daughter had told him before regarding the young lady standing beside Grand Duke Sergeyev. When he first heard the rumor that Grand Duke Sergeyev fancied a young lady of humble background, and the so-talked-about young lady was treated as the lady of the house, he was unhappy. He thought the young lady was a foolish youth who was chasing after Grand Duke Sergeyev's status and wealth, like any other women. However, when his daughter showed deep interest toward the young lady and seem to have taken a liking on her, he doubted his own judgment. Perhaps, he should see to himself, how was the young lady faring.

"Lady Ella, I have to express my astonishment for such a grandiose banquet. His Excellency was not the kind of nobleman that would spent his time preparing for his own birthday banquet, hence, Lev had been the one to handle such matter for him. As someone who had been watching His Excellency grew, I am glad to hear that finally, there were a lady to manage the house. I am looking forward for future development."

Aretha lightly bowed her head. Her lips curved up, and her eyes were narrowed. "Your Grace flattered me more than I deserved."

Vladimir interjected, "never put down your worth, you deserved all the praise. My choices would never be wrong."

Marquis Adad laughed. "His Excellency was right. He would never made any judgment solely on pure emotion." He started to reminisce the story of Vladimir's childhood, and how he was amazed by the brilliance shown by the youth.

Less than minute later, Count Sancus, together with his wife and two children approached Vladimir. "Your Excellency. It is always an honor to be part of this banquet," he turned toward Marquis Adad, "and, it is a pleasure to meet you, Marquis."

"It was nice to meet you too." Marquis Adad bowed his head a little, for the sake of formality. He continued, "Would it be fine leaving your territory at such moment?"

"Of course! My men were not that weak to fall against such people. On top of that, how could I missed out on His Excellency's birthday banquet."

"Then, Count Ferne must be having a hard time considering he was not able to make it in time for the banquet?" Marquis Adad replied, lifting his eyebrow as he smirked.

The corner of Count Sancus's lip twitched. "That… I could have not know. After all, I am not him."

"I apologize if you were offended. I was just concerned about the people in the territory… and how could I not? When I heard about how dire the situation was in the middle of the battle… it, it came to my mind, you know. Was it worth the sacrifice for what initially happen?"

Count Sancus's face was raging with anger. He felt that Marquis Adad was trying to belittle his decision for the territorial war. The only reason he did not raised his hand, was that he afraid of offending Vladimir.

Jonathan noticed his father's expression. He was worried that there would be a scene. After all, he knew how deeply his father loved his sister, and the root of the territorial war was her.

"Your Excellency, Your Grace, and father. How about we have some talk among us, men, in… a more private space?" Jonathan suggested.

Agreeing to the suggestion, four of them went away, leaving the two wives and three young lady together. Marchioness Adad and Countess Sancus started their flowery exchanged of sarcastic remarks about each other's daughter. One after another. Like what mother would usually does when they were in their children's side.

Deep inside her heart, where even eyes could not reflect, she was filled with envy. The way the two mothers defending their child made Aretha felt jealous toward the other two young lady. Although the part where the two mother was belittling each other's child were not quite honorable, or appropriate.

"The banquet was quite nice, Ella. You have done such a great job under Lev's guidance… I should asked Lev's assistance the next time I host any banquet or gatherings…" Leyna said, smile plastered on her face.

"Oh dear, My Lady. I had never knew that you were unable to discern the work made by His Excellency aide. And here, I thought you would knew anything when it matter His Excellency. Could it be, you have lost your interest in him?" Minerva intercepted with mocking smirk.

The young girl laugh awkwardly not expecting the daughter of Marquis would intervene. "Lady Adad. Of course I knew the arrangement was not Lev doing. I am familiar with his style and His Excellency way of work, that, for sure. However, Miss Ella here was not familiar, not only with the banquet arrangement, but also, the noble etiquette. As someone closer to her age, I was just concerned with how she was doing. She must have a hard time adjusting to a life that had been out of her reach. I was also worried about His Excellency. It will scarred his reputation if anything went wrong. Additionally, Lady Adad, what do you mean by interest? It is our duty as His Excellency vassal to worry and care about him. I do not dare to harbor any inappropriate thought about someone else fiance."

Minerva chuckled. "Unfortunately…" she did not finished her word when she glimpsed over the audience around them that were sneakily eavesdropping their conversation.

Leyna turned to Aretha and with her voice bubbled with excitement, she said, "Miss Ella, have you gone to watch the recent popular performance by the most famous actors in the theater? It was such an interesting and enlightening story I have ever seen."

"I have seen it, with His Excellency. Indeed, the way the actors delivered the words, and their speech was exquisitely poetic and beautiful. The story line was quite unrealistic, however, it was indeed interesting. Well, a performance was meant to be dramatic and came from the writers vast imagination and knowledge, thus, I do not think it was right to judge whether the story was good or bad. After all, I am, no one but a humble woman with no prior knowledge on theater," she replied.

"Oh~ Miss Ella… You have no idea that the writer was indeed a person with such vast imagination, however, I doubted they have any knowledge at all. When I watched it with my dear mother, I could not help but to storm off the theater for how absurd the story was. How could the writer thought that the male lead who was supposed to be the strongest nobleman were to fall for the tricks of the young, naive, unintelligent noble woman? And, how can the strongest man were able to protect that very noble woman who manipulate him, and not the woman he loved? I could accept it if the noble woman was a woman with intellect but, she was just a foolish little bird…" she turned her eyes toward Leyna, "… don't you think so, Lady Leyna?"

"Perhaps, it was just their fate. It was clear that the honorable noble woman was indeed a better pair with the nobleman, instead of the woman with such humble background. That woman would only face difficulty in the world that she was not familiar with, and the status that was not meant for her."

"So, the writer wrote that story with such thinking? They might thought they were doing such a noble favor by killing the woman just because she did not fit in. Was that not what you meant, Lady Leyna?"

"It was just a story. Like Miss Ella said, it does not portrayed any reality." She laughed. "Lady Adad, perhaps, you took the story too seriously."

"I might have been. My apology. I mean, there was no way such thing could happen in our reality. After all, I would always make sure to protect the people around me, and I am sure His Excellency will do so too."

Two young lady approached them before Leyna could make any retort. They stood beside Leyna and carefully glancing toward Minerva while rudely stare at Aretha up and down.

"You must be good enough to be able to attract such great man like His Excellency." One of the girl said, rolling her eyes.

"You were indeed brave enough to be rude toward the lady, and in front of me on top of that." Minerva could not stand the arrogance of the young lady, thus openly glare down on her.

The lady were surprised. "Lady Adad, could it be you did not heard about it?"

"Heard about what?" Leyna asked, looking intrigued.

The two ladies exchange look with each other, and one of them whispered to Leyna's ear. Her eyes widen as she covered her gaping mouth with her palm. "Oh my! How horrendous!" She walked closer to Aretha, with her face full of worry and sympathy. She took Aretha's hand and held it in hers. "Was it true? That—that… you… were a courtesan?" she spoke loudly, gaining the attention of the other guests.


*Little Theater*

Countess Sancus : "This lately, I have heard too much malicious rumors following the young lady from your house. Was she fine?"

Marchioness Adad : "She could not be better. She was just a brilliant young lady. How could a mediocre people understand the thought of a genius. I heard your daughter had finally gone through manifestation period. I have not heard what was it yet. Was there no plan to reveal it to the world as usual?"

Countess Sancus : "Our daughter was too humble and kind. She thought that her power exists to help people, not to show off to the whole world, unlike some people."

Marchioness Adad : "You must be proud of her… I too, am proud of my daughter. Not only was she talented, she was strong enough to be recognized by the people and His Excellency. Your daughter must be the same, right?"

C.Udon : ⚆_⚆