Fight of courage

I felt a hand on my shoulders I turn only to see my little puppy in his demon form but his head was that of a dog, we discuss about random things before he asked something that almost throw me off balance

" How do you feel about everything the old one said"

" How did you get to.....  Oh I forgot you have super hearing ability, but that doesn't make you ear drop on other people conversation. It wrong". I said

" Am really sorry for ear dropping on your conversation with him, I just wanted to let you know that you got us by your side and we're never going to leave you even your friends are ready to help. You have to go to bed now it's getting late" he replied

" But you have to know that in life there's no struggle without a progress, so just have faith to overcome what lies ahead of you. Just be strong my dear friend everything will be okay., He said once more".

What he said kept repeating itself on my head, I took a deep breath and I told him I was ready to go back to bed. He snap his hands and were back in my tent and he was already in his dog form, I just fell on the bed lazily with the thought of saving the world on my mind then I drift off to sleep, that night I got a dream but it was different from others dreams I have been having, I found myself in a large room that of a king palace when I look above me I saw gaints all were seated and were looking at me then one of them turn into human form and place a hand on my shoulders and his voice echos

"You are never alone you got us and we're your family always remember that. He said while his voice echos like that of a thunderstorm"

Others join him in human form and one who seems like the leader had a crown on his Head with a word boldly written on it "LORD'S"  that when I knew I was with Lord's the same people who gave me powers and here they are supporting me and I was given a sword that shine so bright then everything went blink and I was woken up by charles

"What are you still doing sleeping? We're about  leaving"

" Am sorry bro I slept late. I replied"

" It's alright bestie go freshen up we'll be outside waiting for you. He said before walking out"

When he left I got up and was shocked to see the sword at my dream in my tent, I bent over to picked it up and it have the carving " Lord's" on it. The sword was pleasing to the eyes, I drop it and went to shower up, got ready and but on my double sword sheath making it possible to put towards at my back, I got dress up and met others eaten I joined them and after we were done the twilight escort us to the end of the camp and wave us before we continued our journey, we were close I could feel it. We got to a place called the land of dreams or dream Land. It's show us our dreams, desires and our goal, we were out of dreams land and continued  moving fast, it have been weeks since we were on this mission and we have had a wonderful adventure but the part I was waiting for was a battle, I really want to test out the sword out.

The puppy was always be side me and I never let it out of my sight, Grace have been acting weird since when I use a bow, she even returned my jacket and solomon was busy laughing, she laughs with others but anytime I joined the chat just goes on silent mode. Others too notice what was happening and ask me about it I just snub them and Walk off, deep down I know the events that will happen if they find out that am the grandson to the demon king. We finally got to the last part of the map called the dead zone, one can one get through if he/she was dead. We all felt discouraged because have come too far to fail. I wanted to call on the Lord's for help, when I look up I saw something different fires balls were coming to our direction I called out to them fast and Grace quickly canters the fires balls and they all turned into Flowers,a monster leapt up high and landed on our middle, he had horns on his head, he got teeth like that of an tigers,his hair was long and very sharp on his waist down to his legs was that of humans but from his waist upwards was some sort of creature I never seen before .

He roared loudly at us and we all brought out our fighting tools, they all use magic but I draw my sword out and I sent my dog always, he moved so fast and knocked us off balance but we quickly got up and attack, on the way he fought he had years if not thousands of years training and we were not even close on winning him. Magic prove abortive, it's has no effect on him, I attack him and we started hand combat he was fast no doubt but I was able to keep up, he got hold of me and throw me to a near by rock, his attention was mostly on me he paid less attention to my friends, he got hold of my hand and bite my flesh off. He was also good at magic, he casted a binding spell on my friends and weren't able to move they just watch helplessly, I gave his a swift kick on his gut and I used my gifted sword to cut his horn off, his blood was black and was some sort of acid coz anything the blood touch melted, I ran to forward to give him a kick on his face when he got hold of me and brought out his sword and aim for my neck