
Four men who could be referred to as bouncer because they were fit and very muscular, they were armed with weapons, Andy went behind Grace and her mother was shaking, she walked off to meet the but they push her off and she hit her head on the floor, Charles reach at the man giving him a smack on the face which sent him flying out of the house, others attack,we the males handle the fight while the female took the to safety. A pouch was thrown across my face which I quickly dunk and gave the bouncer an upper cut which made blood gush out of his mouth, he unable to regain his balance so I gave him a swift kick on his legs which made him now low and I rush forward and slammed my leg on his head making his head hit the cold ground and he went unconscious, they were no match for us, after we were done we tie them up, I touched one of them head and I saw they were been controlled to do so by a dark force, the room went cold and all the lights went out and the dark master appeared, he was a dark force his hair were purple and he smiled at us before disappearing, I wipe any memories of the dark master off their head and teleported them back to their various homes.

Everywhere was a mess up so we cleaned up the house, Grace and Rose were busy treating Andy mom head, we reserved the food and ate together, Andy and her mom were looking at us but didn't utter a word, after dinner we cleaned up before going to the sitting room to discuss radom things. It was already pass 10 and Andy mother asked her to go to bed so that she could get up early for school, we asked for her permission for her to stay with us and that if we could attend her school, she just noded smiling before going to her room. After about 30min others were asleep but I was not sleeping so I gently went to the roof top to have a conversation with the fox

"Hey buddy, it's been a while since we discussed last, I said to tin air"

I wait up to 2mins and there was no reply I wanted to speak up when he answered

"Yeh it's really been a while, bit am not in supportive of your decision, he said"

"Why? I asked"

"Because you left your home without protection, what if can unplanned attack was made,who would protect them? You should have thought about the risk before you embark on your mission. He replied"

"We got the king's and Queen with their army, I know they wouldn't be able to hold them for long but that will buy us enough time to look for others. I answered"

"And do you think they will just come without putting a fight? You of all people just know that the power struggle is not yet balance and this part of this world are not in peace with the demons and thankfully you already met one, so do you think they will come along once they find out that you are a demon not just a demon, you are from the purest blood and the heir to the entire demon kingdom, don't you think they will all be after your heads to gain access to the throne? Even others demon would be after your life so you better think fast and act fast. He said"

"What do you suggest I do? I asked"

"Now you're coming to were I want you, I got a portion that would hide your true form, the radiation coming from you. He said"

"Yeh just like the one my aunty Lisa did for me long ago. I said"

" Yeh, but this one is different, am the ten tail fox the most powerful of all, so this portion grants you a human form that even if the highest of the witches or any species leaders can't know if you are a demon. He said"

"I really love your wisdom, you are a genius. How do I get the portion? I asked"

"Just closed your eyes and opened them. He said"

I did what I was told and the portion appears besides me and a golden bracelet was there with a note, I took the portion before reading the note on the bracelet, "share this among your friends and also give one to my little friend Andy and her mom, they will help you in times of need or if anyone is in danger, lastly solomon sends his greetings. Have fun and many adventures but remember time is ticking fast."

I smiled before folding the note on my pocket and I also added the bracelet to it, I fly around the city of Zambia and the views was very lovely, they really got a great graphics and the atmosphere was cool and was the perfect weather for some camp fires, I stop at a church and went in to join them in their service, it was really wonderful, I said a prayer for my mom and others and I prayed for this war at hand to end, I really want peace, a girl wave at me to come sit near her, we said some few prayers before the all-night began, the topic was about faith and hope, and the girl I sat close who I later found out that her name was Joyce was really kind, she shared her Bible with me, it's really an encouragement to worship God with others, I know am a demon but I always thank him for the gifts of life, after the program was over Joyce and I walked off to the road, I wanted to leave her alone but I just brushed the thought off and escorted her to her house, we were few miters to their house and I waved her before walking off, I stayed at a safe distance to watch her get home safe before turning into a bat and fly home, I lay on the bed tiredness and I was busy think of what tomorrow installed for us before I sleep off