Chapter 87. Lilith And Liam Future Path Is Clear

After Leah told all them what she dreamt Liam was in shock. Not only Liam but Lilith was also shocked.

Even though they already expected what she was about to say but they were still shocked when they heard her telling them.

Liam couldn't say anything after hearing her dream.

In fact he liked what she talked about. But he knows that it was really pervert to marry your own daughter.

In the end his daughter might become pregnant with his child then... another batch of new wife's.

He quickly shook his head and he was frightened by his own thoughts.

He quickly asked himself 'Why am I thinking that? Even though I know that that's what I had thought before but why the hell I am thinking about this???'

Liam shook his head again and again.

He is not that perverted person. He quickly calmed himself down and thought 'Why did she have this dream?'

He seems to know that and he looked at his mother.