Chapter 94. Are You A Cuckq---

What happened around the world in Whions Kingdom and Magvil Kingdom Liam naturally doesn't know.

At this time he looked at Celestia. Looking into her eyes which shows hope that he would agree to her he was silent for a moment.

He closed his eyes and opened them he said "Sorry... It seems our relationship will end here!"

He didn't wanted to give up on his mother and neither did on Celestia.

But if he need to choose then without hesitation he would choose Lilith, his mother.

After all from the birth she is with him giving her all love to himself. She is his mom and wife.

At the same time his bluish black eye became purple eyes due to his emotions and talent as he looked at her.

When he would cultivate spells related to Lightning his eyes would become purple.

Now they are blue and would probably became purple in the future. His eyes are purple now because of his emotions.