Chapter 107. Lucius Is A Good Man

Liam watched her as she goes out from the dining room.

Inside the room there was only him. She shrugged his shoulders and come out from the room.

He made his way towards their rooms.

When he was going he thought 'Even though I created so much spells but they are not useful when I cultivates and gather mana. The speed of my breaking through is still slow.'

'I need to create a spell which could let me gather mana at a fast pace. At the same time it should be pure and thicker.'

'But which one... Yes there is one thing that I could create it's name is demon devouring spell. If I can simulate atleast 70 to 80 % I can double or even triple the speed which I cultivates and gather mana.'

'But I need time. There is no doubt that it is powerful but it could be fatal if I failed at it. Let's take one step at a time. Don't be in hurry.' Liam thought and continued 'There is also a spell to detect the protagonist and villains.'