Chapter 137. Ice Cream

Liam walked out from the mansion with his sister.

They stroll on the street of Ancrid City. Liam looked at the big buildings.

Yes even though it is a fantasy world but the buildings are big and they are formed with concrete, cement. Even so they look like modern building in a fantasy style.

He looked at everything.

Because it was his first time going out from the mansion, so he was curious.

He was also curious what about the other world look like.

He saw that on the street there were not only humans but also other race.

But they were less as compared to humans.

Fox, elves, dwarfs buying items in the shop and vendors.

'I thought that there won't be much people's on the streets.' He thought. After all this is the capital city of the kingdom so the rules should be strict. But no, the scene that he is seeing is totally different from the one he thought.