Chapter 2: His Birth

It was a cloudy and dark night. Kaikesi who was pregnant went into labor. She screamed in pain in her hut while Vishrava stood outside of it. His face is ripe with concern about his wife. He wished to enter the hut to be with his wife however, during these times men were forbidden to enter when his wife was in labor. Only the midwife and other women were allowed to enter and help with the delivery. The skies began to darken even further and a storm began to brew. It suddenly started to rain heavily and the thunder began to strike in the forests. The sound of rain and thunder were louder than Kaikesis' screams. She screamed

"ARGH!!!, IT HURTS!!!!"

The midwife assured her

" It's Alright!!! Sweetheart, Just a little more, he's coming!!, I can see him!!!".

"ARGH!!!!!", Kaikesi screamed and lost her consciousness within the loud roar of thunder.

He was born.

The Midwife held the baby in her hands and called Vishrava into the hut. Vishrava went to his wifes' side, he asked the midwife

"How is she?"

"She just fainted. She's too tired, look at your son"

She gave the baby to him. Vishrava held the boy in his hands and looked at his son. The baby didn't cry as others would, instead he was sleeping peacefully within his father's embrace. The sage smiled as he looked at his child. As per custom he cut the baby's umbilical cord then Devavarnini took the boy and cleaned him before wrapping him in a gold colored cloth before returning the boy to Vishrava. He went next to Kaikesi and placed the child next to Kaikesi's sleeping face. Vishrava kissed her forehead and said in a low voice.

" Thank you for your hard work my dear".

A smile bloomed on her face as if listening to what he said. Vishrava looked at his sleeping son. The baby was not crying however he was breathing. Devavarnini concerned that the baby was silent asked her husband.

" Milord what is happening? why is the boy not crying? Is he....? "

" No Varni, the boy is completely fine. He is simply sleeping. He is just different. Do not worry. I will go brew a medicinal porridge for all of you. It must have been very exhausting. "

" I understand milord."

After saying that Vishrava noticed that the storm outside had stopped and it was silent. He simply smiled and thought to himself.

' I guess my son is really different, accompanied by a storm on his birth and calming them immediately after he was born. I really wonder what lies ahead in his life. '

He then went to make the porridge he said. The night was serene as the storms calmed down and faded away.

Time Skip

Years passed since that stormy night when Kaikesi gave birth to her son, Raavanan. The child grew with each passing day, bearing a name with deep Sanskrit and Hindu significance.

Raavanan, born amidst tempest and thunder, carried a name laden with ancient wisdom. "Raa" signified the Sun, symbolizing his fiery strength and leadership, while "Vaana" represented the forest, emphasizing his deep connection to nature and its power. The name Raavanan, derived from his complex lineage, embodied his destiny as a future ruler. Whispers of his remarkable birth and auspicious name spread throughout the realm.

As time went by, Raavanaa gained siblings: two younger brothers and a younger sister. As the eldest child, he took on a protective role and cared immensely for his siblings, guarding them with a fierce devotion. Their bonds deepened daily, forming a strong and inseparable family unit. 

Devavarnini, the first wife of Vishrava, played a pivotal role in shaping Raavanan's early years. Her wisdom and guidance nurtured his young mind and spirit, instilling a sense of balance and understanding. Kaikesi, the second wife, watched with a heart full of love and pride as her son flourished under Devavarnini's care.

Raavanan's mother, Kaikesi, held a special place in her heart for her unique son. Her love for him was boundless, and she cherished every moment with him. She marveled at his distinct qualities and knew that he was destined for greatness. As if proving the reality of his name, nature itself gathered around him. Animals frequented their hut and placed offering such as fruits as if they were paying resect to their ruler. 

As the years flew by, Raavanan reached the age of five, and it was time for him to commence his education under the tutelage of his father, Vishrava. Before the break of dawn, he woke up and went to the river that flowed nearby their house. After cleansing himself in the river he proceeded to do the Surya Namaskar, also called Sun Salutation as per taught by his stepmother Devavarnini. He then went to the huge banyan tree that grew in front of their family hut and stood there waiting for his father to come. 

Thus, the pages of The Tale of Lanka continued to turn, carrying with them the story of Raavanan's extraordinary life.