Chapter 17 – Hashiro Arashiba

Third person POV

Meanwhile, at Niko's company, after lunch, Niko was working at her office in the fourth floor while her secretary, Hashiro Arashiba, the younger brother of Yumiko Arashiba, was working at the office next door. They had eaten lunch half an hour ago, and they're now diving back to work to finish today's tasks and some projects. But then, Hashiro knocked on the president's office door.

"Come in," Niko responded to this.

Hashiro then opened the door and entered in, before closing the door normally.

"Oh, it's just you," Niko glanced at him. "What do you need?"

Hashiro then walked up to her desk and said, "Here's the documents for this project."

He then put the papers on her desk.

Upon seeing that, Niko reads it, and then responded back, "Thanks."

"So, how's the entire week, ma'am?" Hashiro asked.

"Fine as usual," answered Niko back while typing in her computer. "Nothing out of the ordinary."

"I see," Hashiro replied, "Well, our business is good. Your father had a very fair business model that focuses on service for the people rather than for money."

"Yes, he does," Niko responded brightly, "and I continued his policies even to this day."

"Well, you have a habit of writing computer codes on paper," Hashiro said to her. "Are you going to study software engineering when you enter college?"

To that Niko stopped typing and think and ponder for a while.

"Well, I think so," she answered, "but I was thinking about more than that."

"Like what? Making an app or something?"

"Nope! More like hacking bad guys' gadgets to expose their evil plans for everyone to see."

This really stunned Hashiro a lot.

"You're going to be a hacker?" he asked.

"More like that," answered Niko back while glancing at him.

She then glanced back at her work.

"I-I see," Hashiro replied. "Is that because you watched a lot of action movies?"

"Mostly yes," Niko responded. "Those hackers know a lot more in tech."

"Okay then."

Hashiro then thought, "She was so different, but yet, she's nice like her parents."

He then left the office and disappeared to his office next door.