Accessing Orakha’s Data

"Inala! You're back!" Asaeya said as she tightened her hug, "I missed you a lot!"

"Are you alright?" Inala asked as he observed her condition, for a moment surprised to see that she wasn't in the least harmed. Her mental state too seemed optimal at first glance, 'What is happening now?'

'I'll think of it later.' He thought and stared at her, "Let's head out first."

"Okay," Asaeya said as she clapped once, stealing the senses of the Bludders in her vicinity.

Carrying Asaeya and Gannala, Inala landed on the tunnel wall, using his claws to dig into it, and leaped, covering the tunnel width to latch onto the opposite side.

His figure flickered between the two sides of the tunnel wall as he traversed the tunnel, gradually moving upward. One after another, the falling Empyrean Zingers turned their bodies weightless and assumed miniature forms as they landed on his head, serving as his protectors.