Battle Upon Death Hour (Part 3)

Primary Nature—Broiling Mist Dominance!

This was the most common Silver Grade Primary Nature possessed by the Cooter Clansmen. The Spirit Pool necessary for granting this Primary Nature was easy to create, for the necessary minerals were sourced directly from the Dralh Sea.

Every Death Hour, a vast amount of minerals would be released into the Dralh Sea. Floating on it casually, unaffected by this was the Empyrean Snapper.

Primary Nature—Subtle Terrain Dominance!

This was the Empyrean Snapper's Primary Nature, a name too gentle for its violent, domineering power. In its Spirit Weapon range, the Empyrean Snapper was able to control nature as if it were a Spirit Weapon.

Basically, the region stretching one hundred eighty metres from the Empyrean Snapper's epidermis was under its absolute rule. The air, water, land, and even Prana. Anything in this range fell under its control, absolutely.