Comb And Nectar

"He called himself Boul," Rattac expressed anger, "An arrogant fucker that treated all Ravaged Tribesmen as beneath him, as if we were inferior existences. He stole valuable information and treasures from all over the place. He even raided the Ravaged Federation Headquarters."


In his anger, Rattac went into detail regarding everything he heard about Boul Brimgan. In short, upon arriving on this planet, Boul Brimgan went on a hunt for information, following which he stole cultivation techniques, experimented on minerals, hunted people, etc.


Every single existence living on this planet was a Ravaged Tribesman. Hence, they were all stuck at the Body Stage, irrespective of the Grade of their strength. Against a 10-Life Stage Boul Brimgan, they were helpless.