Do You Wish To Teach My People?

Noikatol District!


It was a newly formed one after MunuBuntara gained control over the Petrichor Savannah and had absorbed most of the Noikatol Kingdom's populace by now. Before the Noikatol Kingdom's absorption into his force, all MunuBuntara had was the force that had been granted to him by his parents.


All Wean Clansmen obtained a group of trained people well-versed in a variety of fields, from economics to battles. Wepetay was one of them. The purpose of these people was to guide the respective Wean Clansman they served and ensured they continued to grow and became a better version of themselves every successive day.


MunuBuntara was yet to be crowned the King of the Noikatol Kingdom, as there were still plenty of steps left to finish before that could happen. Until then, he was simply addressed as Lord MunuBuntara.