Royal Zinger Vs Celestial Boar (Part 1)

Major Treasure—Serpentine Nature Bank!


A jet-black serpent jutted out of her body and chomped upon the Biome Bomb layer covering the palms that were bombarding her. The serpent opened its mouth and consumed the layer it had chomped upon.


As long as it could penetrate through the Biome Bomb, it would make contact with the Royal Zinger's hand, which was enough for Yarsha Zahara to fuse with the latter. That was her thought process, a last ditched effort.


However, past the Biome Bomb was a thin layer of Attributed Region water. That was the terrain condensed within the Biome Bomb. As it was a thin layer of water, and as Inala used Perfect Biome Domination to ensure the light refraction was controlled to make it seem as if this layer didn't exist, she was fooled.