Zero-Resistant Brully

The entrance was 16 metres tall, but the cavern was bigger. Though mostly hidden amidst shadows, thanks to some sparse few patches of moss growing on the cavern's inner walls, the silhouette was highlighted.


Reaching a height of 20 metres, sporting a muscular pair of arms that had been created solely for the purpose of attacking something, irrespective of what it was. As it stood, it generated an imposing momentum, even though it wasn't charging anywhere.


The legs resembled a human's at first glance, but the feet mimicked that of a lion. A deep blue body along the sides, with a grey patch in the shape of an 'U' along the chest and back. Stripes of gold arched across the body from head to toe in a symmetric, streamlined fashion.


A thick, gelatinous layer of cartilage covered the joints while the rest of the body was protected by a chitin armour. The right hand was shaped like a claw while the left looked like a warhammer with an axe.