Battle Stadium Commission

"It's risky, despite your confidence." Shuwrak Zahara stated without hesitation.


"That's just your opinion, Sir." One of the Empyrean Boars interjected, his expression barely able to conceal anger, "Our Leader isn't someone who a mere Free Human can best."


"Do you even realise to whom you're talking to?"


"We don't acknowledge that bastard as the Varahan Emperor."


The Wean Clansmen in the throne room burst with a string of arguments, targeting Shuwrak Zahara.


"I'm sorry about that, Uncle." The Boar King didn't show any signs of stopping them, despite having all the authority and strength to do so. Instead, he sported a mildly apologetic expression and faced Shuwrak Zahara, "Please don't take their words to heart. I know you've said it only out of concern."


"It's alright," Shuwrak Zahara smiled wryly.