Each presence had its respective characteristic trait. By condensing the presences into a clump, they collided with each other, resulting in thunder.
'In terms of presence, we're on the same level.' KalTara thought. His greatest strength was his Astral Chart, which multiplied his presence by many levels. However, the natural build of the Wean Clansmen wasn't harmonious.
As a result, KalTara could never reach a State of Harmony. What he reached was through the Natures in his Astral Chart, which was different.
Similarly, Narkahamy didn't have Astral Chart. However, his Natures were in harmony with each other, which was what gave him the boost to contend with KalTara's presence.
'I was hoping for him to be slightly weaker, but it's not the case.' Narkahamy's expression morphed slightly, 'We're equal, huh?'