I stared at Cedrick in disbelief, his words ringing in my ears. Why did he want to marry me? What was his motive for taking on the responsibility of a child that wasn't his own? I'd always suspected that Cedrick had feelings for me, but I had never imagined it might extend to this extent.

"Cedrick, do I look like someone in need of pity?" I questioned, studying him intently, attempting to figure out the meaning behind his actions. "Or perhaps, am I just someone to be toyed with?" I added, my tone filled with confusion and uncertainty.

"Kira, what are you talking about?" Cedrick asked, his expression one of confusion. I swallowed hard, turning away from him, determined to hold back any further tears that threatened to spill.

"I am not someone you should pity, Cedrick. Relationships built on saving reputations or pity rarely last," I confessed, drawing in a deep breath. "You're better than that."