"How much longer is this going to take?" Sapphire asked an old man dressed in a black cloak who was leading the Shadow Blood ritual along with six others. The old man, visibly afraid, answered, "It is only a matter of time, Mistress, and we will be able to awaken Delora." Sapphire rolled her eyes as she said, "Time is a luxury we cannot afford, you insolent fool!" She spat out angrily as she struck the old man across the face. "You had better make sure this gets done fast, or I promise you your blood will be the next thing sacrificed to that demon."

The old man, startled, hurried to join the rest as they tried to speed up the blood ritual. Sapphire walked back and forth, trying to compose herself in this dire situation. Her sister was drawing nearer and nearer, and it was only a matter of time before she caught her in her attempt to wake Delora up.