Chapter 6: The Man In The Mirror

8/10/ 5289 3:25 P.M

The atmosphere felt as if it was distorted as the mere presence of the old man was enough to practically blind Siren. His golden teeth glimmered across the newly developed realm they were trapped in. "Ah yes, the ability to create a kind of pocket space which bends to your mind's creativity. Truly a magnificent sight of Void as we all have grown to love it for." Rose said as she carelessly danced too. The old man cackled as he suddenly appeared right in front of Siren. " . . . I know you. I know you very well, son of the monster who was born in the sun! I shall place a curse on you! A curse that will forever damn you of your mother's sins! AhAhAhAhAhA!" He cackled as he glared malicely at Siren's fearful eyes.

Void leaked into the sclera of Siren as his pupils developed into a spiral. That was Siren's gift. Ever since he was born he was always a child of Void. The ever binding thing that connects him to the magic archetype of Void. Siren took a deep breath and stuck his arm out as he closed his eyes. He attempted to picture a spider shooting out a web to a nearby building as a reference point. Siren slowly pulled back his arms with his eyes locked onto the old man who was still cackling to himself. Siren then with as much force as he could gather threw a full force right jab toward the old man, but within his hand was a wave of back spider webs that wrapped around the old man. "God I can't remember the last time I had a good laugh like that!" The old man said as he finally calmed down his laughter. His white curly long hair brushed side to side as he sat there tied up as if he didn't even care. His golden teeth glimmered as he nodded side to side without a care in the world. "And you wanna tell me why I needed to catch this nutjob?" SIren asked.

Azazel floated about as she thought for a moment. "Hmm, I think he is wanted for something. I can't quite remember though." Azazel said as she embarrassingly rubbed the back of her head. Siren stood there astonished by the lack of awareness of his new business partner. He began clapping with the utmost sarcastic face he could possibly make as he began pulling the old man down the dark alley. "Oh my goodness! Was that the voice of May? I haven't seen you in centuries! How is your life going so far? Siren stopped in his tracks as he turned his head in confusion. Who was May, and how long has this man been alive for him to say centuries?

"What are ya yappin about old man?" Siren asked, still dragging the old man on the rough,dirty concrete.

"Hmm I guess she wouldn't be called that nowadays. I'm talkin bout our old buddy "Azazel"! The old man whispered in a non serious yet still partially serious tone. Siren's heart sank as he anxiously yanked the net up as he glared at the old man. "How in the HELL do you know about her? She shouldn't even be able to be seen by others!" Siren shouted as he lifted the old man up. The man just began cackling as he glared at Siren. The world began shifting and twisting like a heatwave on the horizon. The sky turned a purplish red, and the buildings surrounding them turned night sky black. The old man's face expanded tenfold as his spiraling eyes, and his glistening golden teeth were the only parts of the man's face left to see.

"Tonight will be a beautiful night, as today will be the beginning of hell for you, my temporal reflection!!" The man's voice boomed as Siren was left paralyzed. The world suddenly shifted back to normal as the old man sat there fast asleep, while Siren still stood there confused and horrified. "What's up with you Sr. Statue? We have to go turn him in already!"Azazel said while tapping her black heels. Siren took a deep breath and continued walking as his feet crushed the pebbles beneath him. "So you're gonna tell me why he knew you? I thought only I could see you!" Siren shouted as his voice echoed along the buildings. Azazel simply shrugged as they exited the dark alley as a large tower appeared in front of them.

The watchtower stood before them as Siren was left in aw. His eyes were mesmerized by the futuristic look of the largest tower in the town, but its also where his hero is. The Governor of the land.

Mr.Coldstorm himself.

Hey guys Mochea here and I'm here to announce that me and my team have made an instagram in which we will be posting our schedule and any updates that may interest you. So go follow me

@ Mochea the cheerful author.

Hope to see you next week!