Chapter 8: Ms: Hyde

The leaves blew along with the whisking wheels constantly spinning. The roar of the engine yelled across the shaken forest as the motorcycle blitzed across the muddy dirt. A trail of ice suddenly came in the way as War came to a stop. She placed her hand on the motorcycle and watched it morph into a katana. She began walking toward the ice trail as she started touching multiple trees that pass by her, as they each transformed into laser rifles behind her. She touched the trail of ice as transmuted into a trail of C4. War took a few steps back as she raised her finger into the air as she snapped it. The C4 exploded along the trail as the countless trees in the way stood no chance of the explosions.

War continued to walk forward still touching the fallen trees to the point where she had a wave of weapons floating behind her. The smoke filled the air as it spread contagiously. The leaves fell to the might of the heat as they were burnt to a crisp. War simply walked through the dancing flames as she continued forward. The sound of burning whipped in her ear as she monitored each tree she passed creating an army in the process. Suddenly the burning trail stopped. The trail was stopped by a small spec of ice. War stopped in her tracks as she listened around carefully. Suddenly a large pain in the back of her head arose massively. Ana had come in with an axe kick from the trees as she slammed Wars head into the burnt dirt. The weapons started surrounding her as she rose up from the ground. The laser all pointed towards her body, as suddenly she made a dash in the unburnt trees. War jumped up and dashed right after her. The wind blowing past the two of the felt like a current attempting to push away fish swimming in the opposite direction.

War tackled Ana to the ground as her face dug into the ground. Ana kicked, punched , and flailed trying to gain control of the struggle as she landed a kick to War's face sending her back. They both stood up as they paused and glared at each other. Ana ran towards War as she threw a right hook towards her. War quickly dodged it and elbowed her in the nose as she pushed her back. Ana breathed heavily as mud coated spots of her white hair as scratches bled, sweat flowed, and adrenaline spiked. War pointed her finger towards her as the guns fired their red beams of energy, but Ana was getting used to the bullets and countered with hardened crystals of ice shards.

The shards collided with the beams as they formed snowflakes upon impacts of each other.

War crossed her arms to get as she charged through the freezing air as she tackled Ana back while continuing with the assault with multiple jabs towards her stomach. Even while tanking all of these attacks Ana hammered into Wars back trying to pry her off as she kneed, flailed, and bashed trying to gather any room she could trying to gain momentum. Ana landed a knee to War's esophagus causing her to drop down coughing and squirming trying to gather her breath. Ana's eyes flared a crystallized blue as she slammed her fist into the dirt. The area emitted as wave of frosty snowy air as it created a fog the consumed the surrounding area and everything in it.

This was Ana's realm: Dying light

(Note: Realms function as an amplification towards the user's attacks, via changing the area around them. It also functions as a way to see the soul. It also gives the user a unique ability within said realm)

The sky had turned into a dark blue wave of snow, and the ground became covered in ice with nothing in sight. There was nothing but those two here. The ground began to shake and rumble as parts of it in some areas broke off, as the chunks hovered around Ana. They began bending, folding, and merging together. The quiet yet effective glare that Ana was giving War felt almost entirely different from how she acted before. It was like her attitude completely changed, almost like a wild snake glaring at its prey up front waiting for the right time to strike. The piles of rock had finished merging as its frostbite breath blew into war's face.

The size of the beast was huge s it stared down War with Ana shouting its name alone was enough to send shivers down her spine.


ZASHEIR!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs as the dragon roared fiercely.

War having nothing that she's able to turn to weapons only prepared for the worst as wouldn't give into something that she doesn't know about.

The dragon took to the sky as War took stance.

Ana rushed toward War at alarming speed as she thrusted her fist into her stomach,causing War to begin coughing up blood. With only a single direct yet simple punch caused War to already be on the ropes. That's when it clicked.

Ana couldn't have been human. It would've been impossible for a human to show superhuman feats as this. She could feel her ribs cracking and shaking by the mere chest punch she received.

War reacted quickly as she drove her foot into the side of Ana's neck, but it was no use. Ana's demonic stare only pondered at the sight of War's useless attempt. She grabbed War's leg as she began spinning her around like a rag doll as she launched War into the sky at high speed. As War was falling down, Zashier came down and with its ice cold claws, slammed War into the ground as it continued to stomp and thrash at her. The tyrant leaped out of the rubble as Ana stood there mindless, yet patient, waiting for any movement from War so that she could crumble what hope she had left.

But there was silence. Only silence came from the hole filled with rubble. Ana suddenly began smirking as if she was trying to hold back a twisted laugh. That smirk did burst in laughter as Ana began howling in a sickening manner. That's when it clicked. The realm hadn't just transformed the landscape into an arctic setting, It had turn Ana into what she saw in herself.

A monster hiding behind the mask of beauty.