Chapter 11:Never meet your heroes

In front of him was the door to the man he looked up to the most. The Governor. The man who watches over the town with his shining eyes. The man who helps everyone in need. Siren shook as he hesitated to grab the door. He placed his fingers on the doorknob as he closed his eyes and opened the door only for him to bump into someone on the way out. The man looked frustrated as he shoved Siren aggressively with his eyes glaring at Siren as he walked pass them.

" Watch where your going, dumbass!" the man shouted as he stormed into the elevator as he started malice at him.

Siren shrugged as he walked into the office. The room was navy blue with glass surrounding most of the walls, but there in the center stood there.

Governor Coldstorm. He stood there flipping through documents, as his black eyes locked onto him as he laid upwards with a faint, but visible grin on his face. " Ah, Mr. Thompson, you made it! I hope you're doing well. Your uncle told me you would stop by. I have a surprise that should be here in a couple of minutes, so in the meantime let's chat." He said as he stood up from his mahogany desk. The two walked towards the north of the view as the sight was breathtaking. The sun was beginning to set and the clouds were emitted with the ray of colors coming from the sun.

"Mr. Coldstorm, I have a question for you. What made you want to become Governor? It seems like a job to have!" Siren asked eagerly. Coldstorm scoffed under his breath., as his smirk widened.

"Difficult is an understatement, kid. When you rule over something as the governor, every choice leads down two trails. A trail filled with desperation, or filled with ignorance. There is no in between in terms of choice, but as the governor of an entire town it will lead you to make choices that you despise. That is the cruelty of having political power. Everyone expects you to make a call for the better of their town, but nobody likes you making a poor decision. That's why I take away the option for opinions." He said as his eyes locked onto a large crowd in town that was forming. Siren squinted his eyes as his gaze sharpen the further he looked into the massive crowd.

In the middle was a small spec of pure white that glistened like a snowflake.

"Before the earth became what we know and love it for, there were devils that run the world, but the thing people often forget is that those devils never left Siren." He said with a despicable grin on his face. Siren looked closer toward the person, as he witnessed the person's head go flying.

"W-what in the hell is this?" Siren shouted as he grabbed and squeezed Coldstorm's arm.

Coldstorm turned towards him as his gaze was cold and dead as he leaned toward Siren even closer.

"Ana, your friend has been executed for the murder of Charlotte Thompson, and Celeste Thompson. Both are dead because she is a disgusting, worthless, spineless elf that needed to die for the better of this country!" He said as his voice grew louder and his voice grew more confident.

Siren could feel his heart squeeze with shock. He grabbed and tugged his shirt as his breathing grew faster. The Void splashed through his eyes as an overbearing spiral erupted from his sclera.

Siren screamed at the top his lungs as he choked on his spit, as he collapsed to the ground with no energy left to stand.

"Whats wrong bitch boy? Gonna cry cause you ain't got a mom, dad, sister, and no bitch? How pathetic of you to be so useless. This is nothing compared to what I had to grow through!" He shouted as he placed his foot on Siren's chest. Tears rolled down his eyes, as he felt like throwing up right there,

When did his sister die? How, why? It had only been a few days and he already lost the two people he held dear to him.

"Just hang tight Mr.Thompson. We will be giving you some very needed "therapy time"." He said as he chuckled and picked up a remote. He pressed one of the buttons on it, as the tv flashed.

"Here we stand to watch the execution of one of the most evil people we've seen since the race wars of our time! Ana Thornheart a eighteen year old ice-elf is about to be sentenced to death for first-degree murder, extreme negligence,unlawful flight to avoid prosecution, fleeing the police, fugitating, harassment, Theft,Conspiracy,Prostitution,Assault, burglary,kidnapping,aggravated assault, bribery,perjury,forgery,Extortion,Vandalism. Stalking, and fruad, ." The reporter listed.

Two police officers dragged Ana on stage as she looked bruised and beat up. Any sign of life or hope had been lost in her eyes as the only thing left was dread. They chained her up as they threw her onto the ground with no care in the world.

Then someone appeared that Siren wasn't expecting,

His uncle stepped onto the stage with a microphone.

"Citizens of Newlend, we stand here to give justice and revenge for the people who have lost their lives due to this . . . monster! Thus we shall end this once and for all for the safety of our community! This woman has killed hundreds if not thousands for her own selfish goals out of what? Greed? Pride? What reason did she do this for? That I don't know, thats why She shall speak for herself right now one last time." Jacob said as he took a deep breath and dropped the microphone in front of Ana.

Her eyes locked onto it, as she shakenly grabbed it, and stood on her knees.

"I stand here because of my crimes. that I as a living being have commited, but even worse I've made my community go into shambles before my eyes as a representative of the ice elf. Some may think I am a monster, which is correct I don't deserve to be considered anything else. That's why I don't regret anything I did, because everything I did was to show the world that abandoned me that I can do whatever the hell I want. You humans can't understand my, no OUR pain! Nobody Cares about the races that exist. because you think you're better than us! Well you're not, because one day our MLK will arrive to save us eventually and when that happens yall best be ready for our uprising! I can't believe that so many adults think they know everything that goes on in the world, yet you can't even turn around and wonder there are so few of us.There is one particular reason for my actions though. Love. The main motivation for plenty of people. To those I hurt, I say screw you, and the one I did all this for, I say I.Love.You." She said with a large, yet smile on her face.

The Tv flashed as Coldstorm pressed another button. The door swung open as Jacob entered the room. Siren looked toward his uncle with a deadly stare. "Come on Si! You know I had to. She killed my sister, your mother!" He said with his arms sticking out waiting to be embraced.

Siren stood up as he could feel his heart start back as, Ana's last words rang in his ear. Time began to slow down. The air grew cold as the slowed down. Azreal walked behind Jacob with large grin on her face. "You finna let that slide? After everything she did? Me personally I would never let that slide. So what about to do about it? Sit around and live with your best friend's killer? Or are you about to take action and grow out of your cowardly stage? Get up and show these losers why your considered a REAL monster!" She shouted as the world reverted back to normal.

Siren's blue Void eyes slowly shifted to red.