The End of an old Life

Siren didn't want to let go. The screams, the struggling, He was enjoying every second he watched his uncle perish. But just as he thought that his uncle's struggle went away. Siren stopped the radiation that was pouring out as he took a step back, and processed what he had just done. He was now an official murderer. But a part of him didn't care. Instead he had his sights on someone else, but he had to do one last thing first. Siren took a step off of the fading platform as he dropped down from the sky.

A large crater formed as Siren hit the ground. He climbed out of the rubbled as the crowd around him ran in fear. His eyes didn't shake, and his body didn't quake.

It's shocking how fast someone's demeanor can change by emotion.

Siren marched up towards the execution point where he stood behind a crowd that still cheered for her death. He slowly lifted his hand, as a faint aura enclosed his hand, and with a quick swat with his hands, the crowd split into a pathway for him to see. He walked forward, having his eyes on what he was after, as he heard the voices murmur around him, but for the first time he didn't care. Instead he wanted them to look, to see what type of person death can create when you lose someone you love.

He made his way towards her body as for a moment he paused as he looked down at the slaughter they committed towards her, but after a moment of silence he reached down and lifted her disfigured hand up as he grabbed a small ring that was on it.

"This was the last symbol of your mother. Now it is the last symbol of you." He said as he sat down in the chair his uncle used to make her disappear.

Unlike Ana, Siren had no intention of running away. Instead, he wanted to end things before it got any worse.

"Come on Si! We gotta get out of here before they come! You don't wanna die yet!" Azreal said with hope in her eyes.

Siren didn't respond. He only looked at her with eyes that could only be described as "I'm done".

A sense of anxiety began running through her heart as for the first time an overbearing wallow of fear washed over her body.

But there was nothing she could do. She could only sit there and follow Siren around.

One of the citizens suddenly chucked a rock at Siren as it hit him in the head directly. He wasn't fazed as blood ran down his scarred face.

"Get out of here monster lover!" The man shouted as more people began backing him up. Eventually the entire crowd joined in the riot as they all began throwing rocks at him.

Azazel begged Siren to do something, but it was too late for Siren to hear her now. His mind was too busy being swallowed up by guilt.

And just as fast as it started, all it took was one bang to end it.

The crowd screamed as Siren's body fell to the floor. Siren held his chest, as that's where the bullet hit him, as a familiar face walked up to him.

"Sorry kid, The boss asked for it" War said as Siren's eyes faded to black.

A few hours later

Siren opened his eyes to a white room. It was a padded room, similar to the ones you see in asylums. He looked down to see he was in a white T-shirt, and shorts.

Siren sighed as he began walking around. The room reeked of the scent of mildew as the source came from the roof of the room, as in the corner water constantly dropped there.

"You got some nerve to think you can throw away your life like that so easily! If I could, I would sock you in yo jaw!" Azazel said as she hugged Siren tightly.

This was the first time Siren had seen such emotion run through her body.

She brushed off her tears as she looked around.

"They could've given you something more luxurious at least." She said as she jumped around on the padding.

Suddenly a loud thud came from the wall behind them as they walked closer towards it.

Siren knocked on the padding, as he waited for a sound to respond. . . a few moments later, someone repeated the noise which instantly caught Siren's attention.

"Hello?" He said.

A small faint whisper slowly went through the thick pillow like texture.

"C-can you hear me?" The voice whimpered.

Siren tried using his magic, but it didn't work. That's when it clicked. Most goverment based facilities had Giant crystals inside of the buildings to prevent magic breakdowns.

Just as Siren was about to respond back, the bulletproof door swooshed open. The duo paused for a moment as they looked outside. To see others lining up in front of their doors, and so they did the same. There were hundreds of people in there, with the corridor being filled with many people chatting, arguing, and fighting.

It was pure chaos incarnate.

Yet he knew that this was his new home for a long time.