Chapter 4: Family Delusion

The winter breeze flowed through the air as Siren walked down the sidewalk with a smooth feeling in his heart. Snow covered the streets as children threw snowballs at each other. It was a slightly peaceful time in Newland. Siren pulled out his phone as he checked the time.

It was around Three o clock.

Suddenly he bumped into a lady as she dropped a basket.

"Oh! Sorry about that, let me grabbed that for you." He said as he leaned down to pick up the straw basket.

It felt heavier than the average basket, similar to a concrete block.

Siren glanced at the hooded woman as a slight familiar yet ominous feeling washed over him.

Small horns could be seen on the top of her head, her face looked distressed just being near him, and her eyes were as bright as the sun.

Siren stood up all the way as he handed the lady the basket with a smile for precaution.

The lady nodded as she snatched the basket and ran off.

Siren continued walking as he thought about what just happened.

What was up with those horns, and why did she look so nervous?

Siren paused for a moment as he noticed he was being nosey, and decided to shrug it off for now.

Siren stopped as he finally made it to the school yard, as the bell rung, and kids dashed outside. Out of the crowd a young girl dashed into Siren's arms with an overjoyed look shining in her eyes. Her hair and eyes were black, and her skin was pale with a nearly sickly look to it.

" Dad! You won't belive what happened today!"She shouted as she jumped onto his shoulders.

That would be Rose. She is the younger daughter that he adopted. She's also a vampire with a bit off an energized additive.

"How are you today, winterbug?" He said as he looked around the yard.

Rose snorted a little bit as she pointed towards the school.

"My day has been good as always, but can't say the same for snowball." She exclaimed with annoyance.

(Author's Note: wintering is a nickname for Rose, and snowballs is the nickname for the other daughter)

Just then, a girl with a partially black eye walked outside as she threw on her hoodie with a depressed look on her face.

Siren jogged over towards her as he snatched off the hooded with haste.

"My God! What happened snowball?" He said as he carefully poked it.

"Don't work about it, can we just get home already please? She said as tears started forming in her eyes.

Siren looked at her with worry, yet he still put up a faint smile.

"Alrighty snowball. He said as Vail grabbed onto his hand as they walked home together.

A couple of minutes later.

Siren stared at Charlotte with shock as he stared at the deviled look his mother gained.

"Well? You're gonna stand there, and be a little puss or are you going to square up?" She shouted while getting in the Ma-Bu stance.

Siren's hands shook as he took a deep breath, closed his eyes and thought that this might be his one chance to make a difference in his mother's life. Show her his growth as a father, a successful businessman, and as her son.

Siren got into the Independence Stance, and activated his Void eyes.

"Fine. When I kick your ass we'll see who really is the puss then!" He said with a deep and focused composure.

Charlotte dashed towards Siren and threw a telegraphed left hook, which Siren easily dodged and went for a sweep kick.

This was planned as Charlotte quickly jumped and kicked Siren in his neck while tightly gripping his shoulder.

Siren quickly caught himself and pushed himself back as he delivered a reverse drop kick directly into Charlotte's stomach, sending her through the glass coffee table behind her.

"Ya sure you haven't lost your touch? It has been 5 years since you lost to a couple of teenagers." Siren said with confidence.

Charlotte chuckled as she stood up and brushed off the shattered glass off of her.

"Not bad, a bit weird, but not bad at all!" She shouted charging at Siren once again.

This time Siren chucked the jab as Charlotte quickly dodged it and went for an uppercut which was blocked by Siren. He then goes for a headbutt which misses as Charlotte leaps back onto her hands and does the same reverse drop kick Siren performed a moment ago.

But Siren quickly blocked it with his wrists as he grunted by the might of her leg strength.

The wood began to crack by the sheer pressure of her kicks.

This was the might of the devilish general.

Siren jumped to the left as he pulled his arm back as a small yet fast vacuum formed into the palm of his hands as he aimed it at the still airborne Charlotte.

"THUNDER SHOCK" He yelled out as a large yet precise shockwave sent Charlotte into the air, with Siren leaping with hot pursuit.

An unsettling grin spread across Charlotte's face as she stared at her son coming at her.

Suddenly bone-like wings sprouted from her back as she stopped in the air ready to catch Siren off guard.

Siren quickly reacted to this unexpected transformation, as he stuck his hand out his he knew what to do.

Suddenly a black rope came out of nowhere as Siren swung from the ropes

(Author's Note: Siren is altering the radiation from the atmosphere and altering it into a rope that stays in the air.)

Siren, still holding onto the rope, stuck out his other hand as his eyes flickered from blue and yellow.

Gravity suddenly became heavier all of a sudden as Charlotte was sent flying toward Siren unexpectedly.

Siren quickly shifted to his lightspeed mode(The transformation from chapter 2 of volume one), and leaped into the air as a large orb of energy began forming into the hand.

"You think that form will work again? Didn't the last time that happen, I put a hole in your head? Side eye." She said as she reached out to grab Siren's hand only to be met with a shocking surprise.

Siren stuck the hand with the orb downward as he began spinning right past Charlotte and out of her sight.

"What type of beyblade type sh-" Just as Charlotte was about to finish her sentence, Siren delivered a tornado kick towards her liver, causing her to be sent flying into the ground. She began coughing as a faint amount of blood spurred out of mouth.

"Huh, well I'll be damned. What was I expecting from him? Siren is his son after all." Charlotte said as she smiled.

She stood up and looked at Siren who was on the ground waiting patiently for her to get up.

"Alright son. One more clash and then we can go out to eat!" She said as she could feel her heart beating with excitement. The thrill of a fair fight had her use magic caused her heart to want to explode with joy, and for the first time in a long time. She felt proud of her son's accomplishment.

She put her fists together as a faint glow covered her fists.

"SUN'S ADVOCATE". She said as her fists began emitting high temperature fire around her fists.

Siren accepted the challenge as he rubbed his wrists together as an aura wrapped around his body, then he stood up and lifted his arms back, and took a deep breath.

"ROARING THUNDER" He shouted as he swung his body into a ball position, as thunder electricity formed around causing him to spin around rapidly.

Within the spinning thunder Charlotte saw something for a second.

It was a fierce tiger, preparing to pounce on its prey.

Charlotte truly understood Siren in this instance.

The pain, the heartache, the trauma, the feeling of wanting to understand the value and potential hidden meaning of years of trauma.

The two ran towards each other with everything they had.

Siren's speed and pure combat potential vs. Charlotte's raw combat prowess, and adaptability. They were about to see who was finally superior.

Siren delivered an insane drop kick to Charlotte's stomach as she landed a blow directly into Siren's head.