Chapter 9: The Change in Motion

"Bad things are not the worst thing that can happen to us. Nothing is the worst thing that can happen to us." Richard Bach

Quietness filled the cool breeze in the wind, as Siren walked down the empty street with his heart feeling much more fulfilled than it normally is. He could finally walk down the street without feeling weighed down by the attachment he held to his younger life. As he thought to himself, he passed by many people whom he confidently waved to without a care in the world. Of course, they didn't know him, but he was in an amazing mood.

He reached a large tunnel that led to the Elf District, which was home to many poor people, Ice Elves, and Dark Elves. It was also where he worked as a bartender.

Elves have a slightly different chemical factor than humans. Due to unknown reasons, some Elves gained a large spike of Hormones in their system, causing them to be more prone to intimate connections, which turns them into Ice Elves. Thus, thanks to Coldstorm's assumptions, a stereotype of them became that they are all prostitutes.

The Dark Elves are a bit more complex. When an Elf goes through a psychological change called natural connection, there is a twenty-five percent chance that it just puts them under mental stress, causing them to become Dark Elves.

Unlike Ice Elves, Dark Elves can revert to regular Elves if cured in time, if not then that Dark Elf may start to start developing a depressive state.

Siren began walking through the brick tunnel as the Lights within flickered rapidly.

As he made it to the other side he looked around for a moment and noticed that some of the buildings were getting redone.

He guessed some changes were being made for a good image on the governor's part stuck to his own business and moved on.

The streets were filled with cracks and potholes all around the road, as cars flew by him in a haste. Within minutes he managed to make it his bar, which had a fresh look to it with a sign that read;

Ice's Delight.

He grabbed the silver key from his pocket and inserted it into the hole. He opened the door to be hit with a faint fresh smell in the room. This was his humble abode, his safe place, and the place where nothing could go wrong.

The room had a mahogany design to it, with the lighting mostly coming from the fluorescent light bulbs, which were powered by solar panels on the roof.

Siren walked towards the black and white stereo in the corner of the stage, in which he opened a drawer that had a variety of disks. Yet he decided to choose the one labeled "beats and rhythms".

He threw the disk in as the stereo began changing colors and, then the beat began to sink in.

"Gotta stay awake a little while longer." Siren thought to himself with a still composure.

The music was slow, calm yet smooth at the same time, with just the right beat to jam too. Siren began tapping his feet to the rhythm of the beat. The beat got louder; the more Siren's feet tapped to the sound of his heart racing. With each beat drop, his motion would change as if he were dancing with a partner almost. Siren's movements became more poetic the longer he moved similar to calm water turning into rough seas.

Just as Siren was getting into the zone he heard a soft yet clear voice whispering near him.

Siren completely stopped what he was doing as he turned around with embarrassment.

The person was a young woman who looked to be taller than him but wasn't human

Her hair was a dark brown with eyes as purple as a freshly polished purple gem. Her ears weren't pointy, but her skin was paler than most. The lady's face was one filled with a lack of fear, yet a spec of confidence regardless of the expressionless face she had.

The two locked eyes and there was an awkward silence between the two.

"Do. . . do you know where I can talk to the manager about the job application up front?" She said in a mature tone.

Siren coughed under his breath, as he walked over around the bar table with a feeling of pride in his step.

"Well miss, That would be mwah you would be referring to." He said as he laid his elbow on the table.

The woman's interest spiked a little as she sat down on one of the many stools in front of the counter.

"So which application did you fill out? There were a couple of jobs that need workers, so you'll need to be more specific." He said. The woman reached into his bag and pulled out a white sheet of office paper that had the word Daycare attendant in bold.

"After reading the form, I knew that this would be the job I wanted to have." She said with a smile of purity.

Siren's eyes lit up like a firework as he wanted to jump up in excitement. He hadn't met anyone who would take up the job yet up until now, and it made him hopeful.

The woman handed the paper to him as Siren looked down at it and studied it with interest.

NAME: Fraus Balcom

SEX: Female


Weight: 132

Race: Vampire

Eye Color: Purple

Hair color: Brown


Siren glanced up at her for a moment, as suspicion filled his pupils.

"If you don't mind Ms. Balcom, could I see some evidence of your age?" He asked.

She reached into her bag again and pulled out an ID card, which she carefully flashed at him.

after confirming her age Siren put the paper to the side for a moment and stared at the woman with a calm feeling.

"Alrighty now that we went through all that, all you gotta do is answer some questions." He said while offering a glass of water, which she took.

As Fraus slowly drank the water, an uncomfortable feeling slowly overcame her as she noticed Siren's face.

His expression wasn't the same open cheerful face he had a moment ago, instead a cold dark and creepy grin took its place. His eyes were pure black like a endless hole without escape.

"Do you have any issues with other races coming into this bar?"

She shook her head no.

"Are you in association to any politics?"

She shook her head no.

"Do you have a criminal history"?

She shook her head no.

"Have you ever gotten away with crime?

Her head froze.

"Have you ever killed anybody?

Her head stayed frozen.

"Are you scared of the dark?"

Her head began shaking in fear.

"Do you see monsters in the dark?

Her teeth began chattering rapidly.

The sound her chattering filled the room as Siren's aura was now like Lion staring at at his prey hiding under the swaying grass.

Just as it seems things were getting to intense, Siren began bursting out into laughter.

"Yo Micheal! We got her!" He said as another laugh appeared next to her.

Micheal stood behind her laughing aloud.

Fraus stood there visibly confused as she looked at the both of them.

"Gotcha! Sorry about that, its just we like to prank our interns for shits and giggles." Siren said as he filled up her cup.

Fraus began laughing along with them as tears rolled down her eyes.

She knew that she was going to like it hear.