You... are you William?

William was unaware that his simple act of trading a pill had led Thaddeus to a profound moral dilemma.

He and Alice had wandered the market for quite some time. Alice saw many intriguing items, but the only things of value she possessed were the emerald dragon sinew on her wrist and the Sword of Soulbreaker, in addition to the glass bottle she had retained from the recent trade.

Attempts to use money or precious gems like diamonds for transactions were met with indifference. 

This was a Soulmancer market, where mundane worldly items held little allure. 

Luxuries, fine wines, or popular music albums stood no chance of enticing Soulmancers, who, if they desired such things, could easily convert their unique items into cash in the secular world.

"Do we really not buy anything?" Alice kicked a pebble on the ground, her boredom apparent. 

Shopping without buying anything was frustrating.