These unassuming little things had indeed become spirited

A paint palette is an essential tool for painting.

It is used to mix and blend paints to ensure they appear uniform when applied to the canvas.

Skilled painters are particular about their tools, and painting can often be a lengthy process during which the paint may dry out.

To prevent the paint from drying, it's important to choose a palette made from non-absorbent materials.

Nowadays, paint palettes are made from various materials such as wood, glass, ceramic, plastic, and stone. However, William's palette is made from an ancient stone called Cloudrift Stone, the same material as a stele he had left behind.

In terms of material, this paint palette is of good quality, though William has grown tired of using it for so long and no longer likes it.

The missing piece from the palette was simply due to William's boredom,he fiddled with it until he accidentally broke off a piece.