The Prince Meets The King

Time came to July 1st. Today would be the day the four officially joined first team training.

When the four entered the facility it seemed as if the world started to revolve around them as all the eyes in the whole facility started looking at them.

"Are those the scrubs that are the so called "Future"." A blond haired man wearing a Sao Paulo training kit said.

"Don't be so harsh Gabriel." A brown hair man told the man named Gabriel as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Get your hand off of me Benicio. If they're good I'll take back my statement." The Blond haired man named Gabriel said as he slapped Benicio's hand away.

Leandro looked around and grinned viciously as he thought. "So this is my new domain I can't wait to conquer it."

Antonio met the boys at the door.

"Welcome my young boys to the real Sao Paulo." Antonio welcomed the boys with grandeur.

Amelio was the first to respond. "When can we fight them." As he pointed towards the men training deeper in the facility.

Antonio pondered for a moment before answering. "Let me introduce you guys first."

Antonio then motioned for the boys to follow him. As he led them towards where the first team was training. 


Antonio coughed to gather the attention of the facility. As everybody focused their attention on him he loudly spoke.

"These are the 4 boys I told you about. Amelio, Andrei, Ramirez And finally Leandro also known as Leandinho. They will be your teammates in the future so welcome them with open arms."

As Antonio spoke the first team locked their eyes on the boys. With the sudden increase of attention the boys seemed to feel pressure. All of their expressions changed to grim grins and faces of difficulty. Besides Leandro who had plastered a big smile on his face.

"What's with the faces? Let's get the game underway." Leandro said whilst trying to dismiss the sudden pressure the first team put on the U17's.

Antonio scanned both sides before responding. "Alright you boys join the second team we're gonna do an intra team match."

Everybody seemed elated at Antonio's agreement. Everybody was already prepared besides the jersey's. 

"Ok everybody on the first team get a red jersey. Everyone on the second team and the boys get a blue jersey." Antonio said while pointing towards the big bin that held the intra team jerseys.

Some passed and once Everybody seemed ready Antonio spoke. "Ok Ill be serving as the referee for this match and we'll be going to 3 goals the team who wins get to pick their dinner for 1 week."

The announcement seemed to tense the atmosphere further than it already was. This was because Antonio basically had total control over his players lives he said what you ate and you ate it that's how it is in Sao Paulo. Some might call this unhealthy or wrong but it also develops a system stemming from Antonio that leaves no room to worry about things that might sow discord. And as such Sao Paulo is very harmonious.

'Now everybody get ready for kickoff." Antonio said while scanning the players once again.

Once everyone seemed to be in position Antonio blew the whistle for the for the start of the match.

Leandro's team got the ball first. He kicked it off to the Right winger Benicio. Leandro's team was running a 4-3-3 attack formation. So as soon as Benicio recieved the ball the team rushed up. Leandro found some open space and asked for the ball.

"Here!' Leandro waved his handed and yelled at Benicio.

Benicio seemed to look at him for a second before passing the ball back to the CM named Gabriel. This sudden move stunned Leandro for a brief moment before he angrily yelled to Benicio.

"What are you doing? I had space!" Leandro shouts seemed to have no affect on Benicio who seemed unphased by the shouts.

Benicio seemed to look Leandro up and down before responding. "I'm sorry but Gabriel doesn't like you so can't pass you the ball."

Leandro was stunned as Benicio spoke this had never happened to him before. Was he being shunned. Thoughts raced through Leandro's head as he was processing what Benicio was saying.

On the sideline Antonio smiled. "Coal needs immense pressure to become a diamond." Antonio was surprised but not mad at the outcome.

As Leandro was returning to defense Amelio asked a question. "Why didn't he pass to you?"

In response to Amelio's question Leandro went silent for a brief moment. "Doesn't matter all you need to do is pass me the ball."

Amelio wasn't mad at the comment like most would be. From how long he knew Leandro he knew that he was angry and if Leandro was angry you had to pass him the ball.

With Leandro's team falling back to defend Amelio spread the message to Andrei. "Leandro's mad Andrei so just give me the ball."

Andrei seemed to ponder for a moment before responding. "How mad?"

"He said all I need to do is pass him the ball."

Amelio said with a wicked grin.

"So it's only gonna be us three all game?" Andrei responded faintly.

"Yeah only us for the rest of the game." Amelio said while looking at Leandro in the distance.

As the game went on the situation became apparent Leandro's team was split in three. The three golden boys, The second team and the odd man out Ramirez. Time came to the 62nd minute the the score was still 0-0 as the first team didn't seem to take the game seriously and the second team was divided. Antonio tried to remind them that whoever won got to pick dinner but once the second team was divided the match was destined not to be taken seriously.

At this point in the game Andrei had the ball and was taking it up the pitch. The opposing striker was closing in trying to apply defensive pressure. Andrei seeing the approaching striker cut towards his left and saw an opening to pass to Amelio.


The sound of the ball rubbing against the turf could be heard as the ball was sent hurtling towards Amelio. Amelio seeing the ball coming towards him pushed his body into the opposing CM forcing open a path for him to dribble once he recieved the ball. As the ball reached Amelio's feet he took two touches to readjust and get into position. The first team CM had already recovered from Amelio's previous push into his body and was in a defensive stance. Seeing the opposite CM like this Amelio smiled and spoke.

"Doesn't matter what you do this ball will get to Leandro and he will score." Amelio's statement didn't shock the other CM this was happening all game the boy would talk trash then he would steal the ball and smirk in victory as he passed towards the first teams striker. So he wasn't scared or appalled but once their duel started the boy seemed different.

Amelio started by doing scissor feints. The ball seemed to disappear from The CMs vision as Amelio's legs hid the ball. As soon as Amelio thought the defender wasn't ready he pounced to the left in a hard cut. As the opposing CM responded to cut he made a comment.

"Boy you're a little too young to best me." The comment reverberated through Amelio's head and as he processed the words he got angry. "Who does he think he is this second rate midfielder just called me a boy!" Amelio thought with anger. His anger was shown through his dribbling which seemed to get more vicious with stops and cuts at random points. With his random dribbling the opposing CM seemed to get impatient and started tackling more and more with this Amelio knew he only needed a bit more to get what he wanted. At some point Amelio found the time was right and he did a one touch sprint where he touched the ball and appeared to be going on a run. As the opposite CM was already angry at Amelio's antics he judged prematurely and slide tackled. Amelio seeing this smiled and contracted the ball to be under his foot.

A shocking scene appeared at this moment a first team member slide tackled air. Amelio didn't relish the moment long using everyone's shock at what just happened he passed the ball to Leandro.

Leandro who was also slightly shocked at the outcome of the Midfield duel. But he wasn't shocked enough to miss his opportunity to score. He recieved the ball and using the gap created by the shock broke into open pitch and was heading towards and 1 on 1 with the goalkeeper.

The first team wasn't the first team for no reason and the whole team reacted swiftly. trying to catch up with the galloping prince wasn't an easy task as only one CB seem to have a chance to stop what seemed to be an inevitable goal.

With the enclosing distance to the goalkeeper Leandro seemed to feel his chest rising and falling he felt his every movement in the fibers of his soul and was riding it. He loved the feeling of climbing towards victory it was a sensation that he wanted to feel forever. But something seemed to want to interrupt Leandro's ethereal state.

A haggard voice beckoned him back to reality. "You're not scoring today boy."

The CB didn't give up and was actually hot on Leandro's tail. This didn't seem to bother Leandro who was currently in a state of total elation nothing could stop him from scoring right now.

With a feint towards his left and an acceleration he broke free from the CB's realm of control. And there he was staring at the goalkeeper from right outside the penalty box he knew he would score it was ingraved into his DNA this feeling of scoring that instinct when you know it's going in. In that moment Leandro didn't hesitate and he surely wasn't nervous he swung his leg and shot.


The sound of his foot hitting the ball sounded like music to his ears.

The ball was in the air for a moment. It flew towards the top right corner. The goalkeeper tried with all his might but he couldn't save that shot it was going in.


Antonio's whistle signified the goals authenticity and with that that the score was 1-0. Shock was the only thing on the first teams mind. They conceded to a dysfunctional second team? Them the great Sao Paulo first team?

Leandro ran to the goal to get the ball and bring it back to the half for kick-off. As he got the ball he was tackled by Amelio.

"What are you doing Amelio!" Leandro was surprised at the sudden tackle so he fell and landed on the turf.

"You scored!!' Amelio was elated at Leandro's goal. He was confident in Leandro but these were professionals they play in the big 8 leagues so he was a little surprised when Leandro scored so simply. 

"Of course I did I'm me after all!" Leandro yelled while getting back up and removing Amelio from himself.

"But this is Sao Paulo's first team Leandro this means you can score against professionals!" Amelio said with excitement.

"Amelio, I'll always score you shouldn't get this happy." Leandro said while finally breaking free from Amelio's clutches.

"Now come on!" Leandro yelled while running towards the half.

Once Leandro returned the ball to the half and everybody got into position Antonio blew his whistle for kick-off.


With the whistle the first teams striker passed the ball back to the RW. The RW then took the ball forward and came face to face with Leandro.

"So your the boy Antonio speaks highly of." The RW spoke wistfully.

The comment and tone seemed to shock Leandro. Nobody ever addressed Antonio that lightly.

"My name is Renè and I'm to show you the vastness of the world." As the words left his mouth Renè initiated an attack by cutting toward Leandro's right. Leandro reacted swiftly and kept an optimal position to steal the ball. He tried to reach and toe tap the ball out. Seeing this Renè smiled and spoke.

"What is that term? Ah, Yes you reach I teach." Renè trapped the ball under his foot to dodge Leandro's toe tap and then he did a La Croqueta to get past Leandro. Who upon seeing his mistake ran at Renè trying to create some defensive pressure by any means possible. Renè then cut towards the right and stopped to let Leandro catch up.

Once Leandro was in position he decided to talk some trash. " I got greedy that won't happen again."

Renè retained his smile and responded. "But I assure you it is and in fact I'm gonna pass you shoot and it's gonna fly towards the top left corner."

Leandro was shocked no one was ever this arrogant to him before. And frankly it made him angry he was in his mind the best player in the world and someone spoke to him like this.

"Don't get unfocused boy you're about to witness greatness." Renè smiled and continued his attack he did a in-and-out elastico towards the left followed by a roulette with the little space he created from the consecutive skills he shot.


Renè whipped his leg and smashed his foot into the ball. Even if he was 40m out It didn't matter.

The ball was sent flying towards the top left corner of the goal.


The sound of the ball hitting the back of the net was so loud. If Leandro's goal was amazing then nobody had words to describe Renè's goal at this moment.

Renè threw his arms up and the rest of the first team rushed him to celebrate the goal.

"Huh?" Leandro's mind was blank at this moment. He said exactly what he wanted to do and did it.