Chapter 30: An Unparalleled Warrior

Serafall and Ise just stared at Mordred in shock. They knew he was blunt, but not that unexpectedly blunt.

"Uh… Mo-kun, what brought this request on?" Serafall who adorned a cheery and bubbly personality was thrown through a loop. She couldn't stay in character at all.

"We received words of wisdom from an old man wearing an eye patch you see." Ise tried to explain it and Mordred nodded.

"An old man with an eye patch… Does he have long hair?" Serafall's smile twitched as she got an idea on who it was. She's a Satan of foreign affairs after all.

"Umu." Mordred and Ise confirmed. "That… That can only be Odin, that old geezer." Serafall squinted her eyes and then she sighed deeply.

"So is that a no then? Mom told me to always go for what I want. And the books that I read told me that I should ask a lady before I touch her. It said to be a gentleman." Mordred explained and Ise gave him a weird look.

"But why did you suddenly feel me up!?" She retorted with a blush on her cheeks.

"Well, you aren't a lady yet?" Mordred tilted his head and Ise almost dropped to the ground.

'Wait, let's think of who I'm talking with here. Mordred didn't say that to be mean. It's most likely because we're still young, yeah.' Ise convinced herself while nodding sagely.

"I don't know if I should do this…" Serafall was hesitating. Mordred was unconsciously giving her the puppy dog eyes which is the strongest move of kids and cute people.

On the other hand, Mordred is a kid. 'He probably hasn't gotten the talk with Tiamat yet too.' Serafall smiled wryly.

'Ahh, fuck it. I'm a devil, shouldn't I corrupt him even further? That's how devils roll. Besides, if he gets interested in things like this… Won't he pursue So-tan?' Serafall wiped some drool coming out of her mouth.

"Guhehehe, only a little okay?" Serafall grinned at Mordred and Ise started sweating. The former had a perverted smile on her face after all.

'Shouldn't this be illegal? Do the devils even have cops?' Ise was clenching and unclenching her fist. Thinking of calling the authorities.

Serafall put up a perception barrier so nobody would see them and she started to strip tease Mordred.

He watched on with fascination, wanting to confirm the words of wisdom from Odin. That oppai was the truth of the world.

'Yes~ Kuahahaha! Be enamored and turn into a womanizer! Then, when you get together with So-tan, I'll have a Yuri Yuri bonding time together with her!' Serafall formed a scheme, taking advantage of the situation.

"You have great breasts Sera-tan." Mordred nodded at her with a smile. 'All part of the plan~ So-tan admires Mo-kun. She'll definitely come to like him. And the old coots won't deny them due to his strength and abilities.'

"Thank you Mo-kun, now be gentle. Women's chests are more sensitive than men's." Serafall acted coy and Ise could feel her nose start to bleed.

'I… I need to stop this, Mordred would become a philanderer! Kuu!' Ise gritted her teeth.

"The mind is willing, but the flesh is weak. Forgive me, Tiamat. I cannot stop Mordred from experiencing such a glorious moment." Ise let it be, because it was advantageous for her.

Mordred slowly poked the center of Serafall's chest that had no sag. Being a devil; a creature of sin. Their bodies were beautiful and were genetically inclined to be appealing.

"Ahn~" Serafall moaned and Mordred froze. "I see, women definitely make a noise like a doorbell Ise." Mordred was surprised, it was as if he had found the answer to a great mystery.

"Is that all Mo-kun? Sera-tan is busy you know?" Serafall tried to goad him for more. The more contact, the better.

"That old man did say that butts are made for more rough handling." Mordred eyed her tushy and Serafall had a twisted grin on her face for a quick second.

"Oh, such a naughty boy you are Mo-kun~" Serafall pinched his cheek, but she lifted her skirt and turned around for Mordred.

He then reached out and squeezed her butt with a bit more strength. "Hmm~ You have really soft hands Mo-kun, even if you train with the sword." Serafall complimented with mirth in her voice.

"Umu, thank you. Your butt is soft and supple Sera-tan. I guess Vali is right, this is fun. It also makes me happy, I don't know why." Mordred fondled her with a smile on his face.

'Mission complete~' Serafall had a shit eating grin on her face. "Why don't you ask So-tan later Mo-kun? She's a curious girl, friends help each other with their interests you know?" Serafall moved the pieces to her advantage.

"Oh, you're right. I should ask So-tan, Rias, Seek-chan, and Latia later. Thank you Sera-tan, I'll appear on your show if you want me to as thanks." Mordred gave her a sweet smile and Serafall laughed inside her head.

"Thanks Mo-kun! I'll definitely call you and add you to Magical Levi-tan's episodes one of these days." Serafall kissed his cheek and went back to the underworld, satisfied with the progression of her master plan.

Mordred nodded at her and waved goodbye, he then looked at Ise and she was sprawled on the ground with a smile on her face. Blood dripping from her nose.

"Ise, are you sick?" Mordred checked on her, but she was fine. He then thought she was just unconscious. So they returned to the familiar forest.

A few days later, Mordred was informed by Serafall that the old man was Odin. Azazel wasn't in his good graces at all due to the misunderstanding with Vali. So she pushed him to another super pervert, the all-father of the Norse faction.

Armed with that knowledge, Mordred wanted to know more about the hidden secrets of the world. And Odin also had a lot of knowledge due to sacrificing his eye to the world tree; Yggdrasil.

And right now, all of the members of his kin and Tiamat's peerage were with him for a field trip.

"We will be going to Europe to train with the Norse faction. Mom, can you look after Valerie for me? She still needs to catch up with the others before she receives this kind of training." Mordred requested and Tiamat nodded with a smile.

"Okay honey, but why the Norse?" Tiamat tilted her head. The Norse were more accepting of others and weren't pompous pricks like the Greek faction.

They were more inclined to drink, party, and fight each other after all. But she still wanted to know why.

Mordred thought about it for a second. And Serafall's instructions were still clear in his mind.

"Niddhog is related to the Norse faction mom. They are more friendly, so I want to learn more about Niddhog. Egypt has more information on Apophis, but I want to know about the others too if I can help it." Mordred explained.

Tiamat nodded at his reason. But there was a feeling inside her stomach that made her a bit uneasy.

'Nah Odin isn't stupid, they won't attack them or endanger them.' Tiamat shrugged it off, thinking she was being a bit too overprotective.

And this time, she already taught them how to counter forbidden spells like what Augusta did to Lavinia while she had a moment of weakness.

"Niddhog did gnaw on one of Yggdrasil's roots back then, what a weirdo. So you can most likely know some secrets about him there." Tiamat gave her blessings.

"Take care everyone~" Valerie looked more cheerful now. Without the souls bothering her, she started enjoying every waking hour.

With Tiamat's treatment on her, the glaring problems of Sephiroth Graal's overuse didn't bother her anymore.

"Take care Valerie. Mom, please train her well." Mordred waved goodbye and the dhampir flinched a bit.

"Now, now, you heard him. You need to catch up Valerie." Tiamat smiled at her and Valerie gulped.

Mordred's group teleported to Italy first. He wanted to oversee England while flying straight to the Nordic countries in the north.

"Ahhh, I haven't been here in Italy for a while." Dulio breathed in the air of his home country.

"I also feel a bit of kinship towards England. Even though Camelot has been gone for centuries." Mordred chuckled and he could understand Dulio.

"Japan all the way! That's where Dragsoball is made after all." Ise was proud of her country.

"That's right nya~ Kyoto is so beautiful." Kuroka added, but Shirone ignored their boasting.

"Well, Japan is beautiful. But Europe is no slouch you know? Shirone loves the sweets there, isn't that right?" Lavinia added her two cents.

"Hmph, the country doesn't matter. But India has the strongest pantheon." Vali wanted to have a go with the Trimurti once she kills Rizevim.

"Okay, okay, let's go please. Or we'll be having an argument on which is the best place." Masaomi lazily waved his hand.

"We're wasting daylight you know?" Cleria chuckled and thought they'd be there for some time if they started debating.

"And England is the best for your information, that's where Mordred came from." Meredith huffed.

"Masaomi is right guys, come on. And my ancestors would definitely cry if they see England now Meredith." Mordred jumped and they followed, casting invisibility spells so nobody would see them.

They started to fly towards Scandinavia leisurely. With their sensitivity to magic. Everybody was sure that they'll sense the entrance to Asgard.

"Sera-tan is such a good friend, she even told Odin and the Norse pantheon that we will be going there for a little trip." Mordred was thankful for her help towards them.

Sightseeing while in the skies, something suddenly made Mordred look to the left. "What's wrong Mordred?" They didn't notice anything at that direction.

"That place… I just felt something there." He couldn't put a finger on it. Whatever is out there resonated with him.

He felt it more with his mana core and he raised a brow. "Apophis' power over shadows is reacting towards that direction… Sorry everyone, I'll call for mom and check it out. You guys continue to Asgard."

Mordred started calling Tiamat just to be sure. And when they learned that she was going with him, everybody let him be.

After waiting a couple of minutes, Tiamat arrived and he explained that he just felt something at the west that caught his interest.

"Well, an instinct of a dragon isn't something to scoff at. So let's check the place out. Nothing lost if there's nothing there." Tiamat shrugged and they flew with blinding speed as they flapped their wings.

The closer they got, Mordred felt that the pull was stronger. "Egypt is a long ways away here, so why is my gut telling me that place is related to shadows?" Mordred was curious.

They arrived at a cliff with ruins of a castle and Tiamat looked at him. "So? What about this place tickles your fancy?"

The place didn't even resemble a castle anymore. There were remnants of the walls and an arch. "You can't feel it mom? There's a pocket of space there that's separated from here." Mordred pointed at the middle of the ruins.

Tiamat concentrated, but she couldn't really feel it. "I got none." She shrugged.

Mordred went to the dimensional rift and he felt weird. It was actually denying him entry as his anti-dragon runes started to glow.

"It doesn't really feel connected to dragons, but the holy aspect of my runes doesn't seem happy with this place." He frowned and took out Caliburn.

Imbuing his sword with his mana, the divine energy of it started to unravel the gate towards another dimension.

His power over shadows strengthened and Morded felt a pull towards the place.

Tiamat panicked and she was about to get him out of there. But he stopped her immediately.

"Don't worry mom, my senses tell me that it's not dangerous. I'll be back, I promise." Mordred sunk into the shadows and Tiamat bit her nails in anxiety.

"You better get out of there Mordred, or I will give you an ass kicking of a lifetime!" Tiamat twiddled her thumbs while waiting.

Mordred found himself in a place that had a feeling of death. There was a sturdy looking rampart up ahead. And the skies were covered by dark clouds.

The shadows around him even crept up to him. But he released his mana and kept them at bay with his control over shadows.

"Apophis' shadows are different, they consume everything. The exact opposite of Ra, his nemesis. But the shadows here are the opposite of life. A realm of death?" Mordred rubbed his chin as he looked around.

That was the case, until he suddenly heard someone speak without any warning. "You… Are not dead, you shouldn't be here stranger."

Mordred never looked at a direction so fast. He was shocked that someone snuck up to him even though he was feeling the surroundings with his mana like a sonar.

He saw a woman with long purple hair and blood red eyes that looked like they were glowing. "Hello, I am Mordred Pendragon." Mordred, a distinguished gentleman; bowed politely. (pic)

She raised a brow at him and then squinted her eyes. 'Hoh? What a little monster this child is. Quite polite too, he has the feeling of royalty.' The woman was curious on why he hasn't died yet.

The place was obviously hostile to all living beings. 'A dragon? Is that the primal eclipse dragon!? So that's why he can survive here. He is the enemy of a sun god.'

"You shouldn't be here, a living being like you is not welcome in the land of shadows, child. Return whence you came. I do not know when the shadows will claim you." She wanted him out of there quickly.

"I understand my limits ma'am, but I have given you my name. Shouldn't it be common courtesy to give yours?" He raised a brow and she scoffed.

"You are a brave one huh?" She suddenly formed a red spear that was brimming with demonic power. Mordred saw her thrust it towards his heart, but he just stood there.

She stopped when the spear touched his chest. "Why didn't you protect yourself? You could've died, little dragon."

Mordred was quiet for a bit, she thought he was scared out of his mind. "I did not feel ill intent from you. And I just had to see the motions in full. You are a master of your craft. It was just beautiful in my eyes."

As a practicioner of swordsmanship, Mordred had to raise his arms in defeat at her skills. Even though it was with a spear, he could still feel that her skill is at the apex.

Her attack was fast and violent, yet graceful. Her control over the weapon was immaculate. It was like her own limb.

She blinked at his reply and couldn't help but be amused. "You want to know my name child? I am the gatekeeper of the land of shadows. Scathach is my name."

"From the Ulster cycle? But you feel… Divine?" Mordred squinted his eyes, she was like a god. Not quite a full one, more like a demigod.

"Your senses are sharp. That is correct, now leave this place. It is a realm of the dead, not the living where you belong." Scathach squinted her eyes.

"Can you teach me? You are a famous trainer that made Cu who he is." Mordred tried his luck and she sighed.

"I do not train anyone anymore, child." She furrowed her brows and was displeased with him trying to stay there.

"The answer is no, take a hint." She was getting annoyed and he was easy to talk to.

"I understand, but can I return here?" He asked politely and she raised a brow. "You want to go back to a realm of death?" She wanted to laugh at his audacity.

"Yes, I would like to convince you that I will accomplish great things. Cu Chulainn? Your greatest student will never achieve what I would, that's a promise." Mordred took out Caliburn and Kusanagi no Tsurugi.

His mana core went to life and his strength shot up immediately, shaking the land of shadows as he transformed to his draconic form.

She went wide eyed at the sight. His body was releasing power in waves that she never thought possible to come from a child his age.

"Mordred Pendragon huh? I will remember your name, suit yourself. But I won't teach you. I will just be disappointed." She said her last sentence silently, to the point that he didn't hear it.

"Thank you for your permission. My ambition demands me to be at the apex. Your help will be invaluable. I can tell that you are strong Scathach." Mordred reeled in his powers.

"I already told you Mordred, you will be disappointed." She has gave up on her desires a long time ago. The beings she fought and slain are much, much stronger. Full blown gods, yet they were unable to fulfill her wish.

"Giving up is for cowards Scathach. I am the king of knights. You underestimate my ambitions." His eyes were burning with determination.

She chuckled. "Big words for a child." Scathach actually wondered what he would achieve when he grows up.

"It will be realized, farewell for now. It was very nice meeting a legend such as yourself." He bowed and she shooed him off.

"By the way, you are beautiful. Can I poke your breasts? A wise man told me that breasts are the truth. I am still finding out if it is true, I don't have enough samples." Mordred requested and she was stunned.

"I only give great warriors that privilege." Her face twitched. She has never seen such a fearless and audacious kid.

"Then I will prove it to you later. Oh, your butt looks soft and firm too. I shall squeeze it as well." Mordred flared his magic and he teleported out of there.

"I don't know if he is brave or stupid… Mordred Pendragon huh? I wonder, can you finally fulfill my wish and kill me?" She couldn't help but think about it.


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