Midsion 5: Forebodings of war


With wide eyes and trembling hands, she slowly stood up, not once breaking eye contact with the wolf. This must have been the wolf they were out to hunt.

The wolf's luscious jet black fur seemed to sparkle against the moonlight casting a silvery glow.

Ana watched in surprise as the silvery glow spread and soon, the wolf that was standing in front of her was no longer black, but white instead.

She stared at the peculiar creature, her eyes sparkling in amazement. She noticed the small gash wound on its front legs. It was the same wolf they found earlier.

She slowly reached out her hand towards it, hoping it won't bite her hand off. She patted its head and rubbed behind its ears. cute.


"Thank you for saving my life," She told the wolf giving it more head pats.

His eyes zeroed on the wound she accidentally gave her and felt a sick sense of shame and guilt.

She ripped a peice of fabric from her blue shirt and wrapped it around the wolf's paw to stop the bleeding.

The wolf curiously stared back and forth between Ana and its paw. The ends of its tail started turning blue and soon its whole body was in the same shade of blue as her shirt.

"You're just lIke a chameleon! How amazing! Seems like we've reached the point where science can change this much of an organism's DNA. By the looks of it, I've been asleep for too long." Her mouth curved into a smirk.


• 4th Ward, 1st Sanctuary•

"Do you know how long it took me to get home?!" Ana complained as she threw open their house's door. "How was I supposed to travel from the 1st ward to the 1st ward with no money, no food, no anything?"

The house was unusually quiet. She must admit, she thought she would be greeted with a year worth's of scolding when she arrived. The floorboards creaked against her feet as she entered the house. There was an absence of the familiar smell of freshly brewed coffee that always lingered in the air. Something was weird.

She rushed through the house in search of her adoptive father but he was nowhere to be found. She soon stood face-to-face with the door of Bryce's study room. She wasn't supposed to enter the room under any circumstance but desperate times call for desperate measures. She pushed the door open.

And true enough she found Bryce inside. She covered her mouth in shock and crumbled to onto the floor in a crying mess. In front of her laid the body of her adoptive father. Dead. She wasn't an idiot. This was murder. There didn't seem to be any signs of fighting, everything in the room was clean and organized just as Bryce always had been. If there was someone who came to kill him he wouldn't have died easily, he would fight aggressively until his last breath. Unless...it was a murder he was expecting.

If that was so, he must've left her in the forest to protect her. She clenched her fists and stood up. She shouldn't waste the life he gave her. She scanned the room for clues. Footprints, fingerprints, anything amiss but the only thing she could find was a suspicious mark near his body that resembled a triangle and a letter on the desk addressed to her.


Happy to see you alive (if you are). If you happen to be dead then Why am I still writing this? Because I believe you're alive. I've taught you all you need to survive in this world. Honestly, I thought it would take at least 10 years before I finished training you to be my successor. But the moves that took me 6 months to learn, you learned in 6 weeks and the weapons that took me 2 years to master, you mastered in 2 months.

Now I know you're ready to be the greatest assassin the world has ever seen ( if you learn to actually kill someone). You know how all those greek heroes you read about have fatal flaws that cause their demise? Well, congratulations! Your fatal flaw is mercy. Don't show mercy brat! Don't trust too easily too!

Attached to this letter is a recommendation form for RAQCI. An intelligence and assassination association. This will be the first step to solving the mysteries behind your birth.

Sincerely (not really)

Your handsome master (and father), Bryce Moreau

She felt tears roll down her face as she finished reading the letter. Ana folded the letter and placed it in the pocket of her jeans. Next to him, she saw his wanted poster roll out o his pocket. She picked it up and pocketed it as well. And with a final hug goodbye, she left the room with a heavy heart.

Before leaving, she noticed a footprint om the window still. How unusal. The footprint had an uncanny resemblance to the tatoo tha man from earlier had. Whoever were after Bryce, it seemed that they now knew who she wss too.

She walked towards her room and grabbed a backpack. Ana started packing her things--which was easy since she didn't have that much, to begin with.

Ana grabbed a black hoodie and changed out of her muddied clothes. Although she hated it, she had to leave. Bryce's killers already know this place and staying here wouldn't be safe. Heading to RAQCI would be her best choice for now.

The moment she opened the door she saw the silver wolf on the front porch. How he managed to follow her? Ana had no idea but the comfort it brought her moved her much more than she could admit. She didn't question it any further.

"Looks like it's just you and me"