Chapter 15: Deal with the Devil

•National Science Academy, 1st Ward•


Valerian smirked as the girl in front of him cowered in fear. He finally solved a piece of the puzzle.

She was an assassin. He was sure of it now. All of the assassins of RACQI had a chip implanted in each of them. Whether it was consented or not he was not sure. But the chip was used as a GPS and in the worst-case scenario, the chip could induce death by poison if the situation called for it. A self-desyrucying chip. Most assassins who were caught, end up dead before spilling information because of that chip.

During the scan earlier, Valerian noticed the exact same chip in her body. Although it seems she was unaware of it. Perhaps she really was sent to kill him. The only thing that confused him was that Ana had a lot of opportunities to take his life. She could have quickly shot him instead of Kalix and pretended it was a mistake. So why hasn't she killed him yet?

Valerian could only come up with two options: 1. She needed information from him. or 2. She doesn't know how to kill a person Valerian couldn't help the smirk forming on his lips. 'How amusing, An assassin who can't kill her target.'

Normally, Valerian wouldn't think twice. He could end her life in a snap of his finger. He had done so to all the assassins that came before her.

But he couldn't do that now. He could use her. For some reason, she had a body that was immune to the virus. She could be the key to curing the infected.

"Why should I trust you with my secrets?" she retorted, her voice wavering slightly, betraying her uncertainty. She wasn't used to this. He noticed. Valerian smirked, it would be easy to manipulate her.

"I'll offer you a deal then," Valerian offered her his hand. "If you help me with the virus, I'll do whatever you want" He offered.

Ana looked at him skeptically. "There's a lot of loopholes in that offer" she murmured, putting on a tough facade.

Both knew the risks of trusting each other. Their history of past fights weighed heavily on their minds, but they acknowledged that their alliance was a necessary evil.

Valerian needed a cure as fast as possible and if Ana wanted him dead, he would be more than happy to oblige. Valerian always longed for the cold embrace of death. Although, it was a comfort that he could only dream of.

"Think about it." And with that Valerian left the room.

"She can leave. She tested negative for the virus" Valerian ordered as a group of scientists flocked towards his side.

"How's the autopsy?" He asked.

Mr. Lee, the lead scientist handed him a tablet that showed Kalix undergoing an autopsy. The wardens were spread out across the white room, but two scientists stood around a table at the center. They stare d impassively at the scene before them, at the test subject strapped down by thick buckles. "He's conscious?" Valerian asked.

"Yes...and No. He's brain-dead. His organs don't seem to be working right either. He's like a moving corpse."

"And all the other patients infected were like this?"

"Yes, sir. The cause of death varies per patient but normally, after the incubation period, the virus attacks and takes control of the body."

"We've conducted prior tests which lead us to believe that their thirst for human flesh, as well as their need for another human host, is what drives them to attack others." Another scientist chimed in.

A cold aura surrounded the room as Valerian walked towards the autopsy room. His presence was both commanding and domineering. No one dared to even make eye contact with him. It had always been this way since he was young. There was something about him that made people fear him.

"And the transmission?" He asked.

"The virus spreads through direct transmission to the bloodstream. Most commonly, it is induced by a bite." That must be why Kalix was trying to bite them so desperately.

"An open wound coming into contact with the blood of an infected can cause an infection as well." Mr. Lee added.

"Then how the hell did the virus enter the Academy!" He snarled. "At this rate, it will infect the whole 1st Ward."

"The first carrier was said to be a student doing some volunteer work at the dog shelter of the 5th Ward." Mr. Lee explained

"Where is she now?"

"W-we don't know"

Valerian pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and opened a floating screen in front of him and a 3D helix of DNA projected itself. "Does my father know about this incident?"

"Not yet. He's currently working on the infection in the 5th Ward. The virus has caused quite an endemic"

"And the public?"

"So far, the public knows nothing about the virus. They were told the attack in the academy was just a bad case of rabies. And the deaths in the 5th Ward were covered up as murders or missing people cases." Me. Lee explained as he struggled to follow closely behind Valerian.

"Good. Don't let what happened today reach his ears." He ordered. He couldn't let his father find out about Ana's existence. He needed to make a cure faster than his father. If he didn't, his father would just continue his research despite the casualties.

"But, sir..."

Valerian shot him a glare "That wasn't a request, Mr. Lee. It was an order." Valerian's eyes glowed with an eerie intensity, captivating and paralyzing him with fear. "See to it that you follow through" He commanded.

Mr. Lee gulped as he announced, "Pack up after the autopsy!"

"Time to go see Ken" Valerian complained as he left the quarantine tent.


The student council room was a vibrant and welcoming space within the school campus, serving as the central hub for student leadership and activities. The room exudes an air of creativity and organization.

Upon entering, Valerian is greeted by colorful bulletin boards adorned with motivational quotes, upcoming event posters, and engaging artwork. He wanted to gag. It was hideous and all the color made his eyes hurt.

The room's layout was thoughtfully designed, featuring a large communal table at the center, surrounded by comfortable chairs and couches. The walls were adorned with giant monitors and computer screens.

"You can't just enter my office-" Ken flinched in fear as he looked up from his documents and came face to face with Valerian.

Painful memories from their fight at the cafeteria played in his mind like a broken record as he gulped. "What brings you here?" He asked with gritted teeth.

Valerian sat on the chair in front of Ken's table. "Would like some coffee? Tea?" Ken asked as a robot approached then bringing refreshments.

"Coffee. Black" Valerian answered.

"So..." Ken asked awkwardly while fidgeting with his fingers. Valerian noticed Ken's heart thump faster as beads of sweat started to form on his forehead.

"I want access to the Academy's Laboratory" Valerian answered while bringing the cup of coffee to his lips.

Ken gaped at him. "I- I can't give you access to the lab! You know only the Imperial 7 are allowed inside-"

Ken met Valerian's crystal blue eyes and instantly he felt a shiver run down his spine as the air suddenly turned cold. He was paralyzed with fear.

He avoided his gaze and tried to change the subject. "W-why do you even want access in the first place?"

"I heard this interesting story about research with dog meat. I want to see it up close."

"Y-you know the rules. It's exclusively for the use of the Imperial 7. Even if you're the prime minister's son you can't get everything you want. The Academy is entirely detached from the Sanctuary's political system. Your father has no power here. You're just like everyone else. " Ken tried to bluff but he could feel the nervousness leaking out from his voice.

Valerian leaned towards him. "Do you want me to steal your position then?" He teased arrogantly. "It would be like taking candy from a baby" He laughed.

Ken gulped. He knew Valerian could manage it. The Imperial 7 were given their position because of their Academic excellence. Furthermore, as number 1, Ken was offered the position of student council president. However, anyone on campus could challenge their position.

Ken sighed. "I know a way. Next week, the first years are taking a field trip to the 5th Ward. You'll have 1 hour of free time during lunch. You can visit the dog shelter that supplies the dogs used in the labs during that time."

Valerian smiled. "Perfect."

Before leaving, Valerian looked back at him and smirked. "And don't worry, I won't steal your precious candy."