Chapter 18: I Need You

•National Academy of Science, 1st Ward•


Ana cautiously followed Valerian through the Academy's hallways. The hallways were almost desolate, devoid of students since classes were already over. Most of them were at the library studying, at the cafeteria getting a snack while studying, or in their dorm rooms…studying. If there was something Ana noticed here it was that due to the competitive academic system all of the students spent most–if not all–of their time studying.

"Why are you being so…nice" Ana couldn't shake the shadow of doubt that had taken root within her. Years of enduring cruelty had made her wary of accepting goodness at face value. She knew Valerian wanted something in exchange. She wanted Valerian to want something in exchange because if he were being kind to her out of the goodness of his heart—which she really doubted—it would make her feel even worse when she kills him.

"You say it as if it's a bad thing," Valerian said with a hint of amusement. Ana really couldn't read what he was thinking at all.

"It's just so unlike you"

"We've only known each other for a few weeks. You don't know what I'm LIKE"

"Really? And all this time I thought you were a cold, cruel, arrogant jerk" Ana teased, the sarcasm evident in her voice. Ana suddenly grabbed his wrist. She was walking behind him so the sudden action made him turn to look at her. Ana pulled him closer. "Why are you being so nice to me." She repeated as she stared into his ocean-blue eyes, trying to find a trace of any emotion, but she found nothing.

"Because I need you," Valerian said, his voice was deep and smooth yet oddly commanding.

"You mean about the virus?" Ana asked. Suddenly everything clicked. He was being nice to her because he needed her help to find a cure for the virus. "Bold of you to think I'll agree to help you"

"As I said, you're an investment. So I'm investing my time and effort to make you say yes." He shifted her hand against his wrist and now HE was the one holding HER wrist. "An investment that I can't lose," he said as he pulled her closer.

Valerian pulled her wrist and continued on their path. It was a firm yet gentle grip. "Where are we going," She asked.

"To get you cleaned up." Valerian turned to her and eyed her from head to toe. "Unless you want to keep walking around like a human pancake" he added.

"Then why are we HERE!" Ana exclaimed gesturing to the huge door with "Student Council" embedded on it. She could have easily cleaned herself up in her room. Yes, she would have probably gette ambushed by more egg missiles on the way there but they didn't have to go all the way here. Ana was convince Valerian just wanted to humiliate her by parading her like a human pancake. She huffed at the thought.

"You sure you don't want me walking around like a human pancake? You seem to oddly enjoy it" Ana mocked.

"Maybe just a little" Valerian said as he pushed open the huge doors. "Intruder detected. Intruder detected. This room is for authorized personnel only." Valerian just shoved the robot to the side and entered the room nonchalantly.

"What the hell?! Why do people keep barging into my office-" A boy with blonde hair sitting on a large desk fumed but when he looked up to see them he instantly froze. "Valerian…" The boy said in recognition. Ana scanned his features and noticed he was the boy Valerian had a fight with at the cafeteria a while ago.

"Ken, let her use your bathroom" Valerian ordered.

"What?" The boy said in shock. ""Look, the student council facilities aren't something a normal person can-"

"Let her use your bathroom" Valerian repeated. His voice was calm yet firm and commanding. Like the calm before the storm. The boy must have sensed that too because he swallowed hard and said, "Fine."

"And get her a change of clothes" Valerian added.

The boy shot up from his seat. "Look, I'm not you servant here Valerian. I'm the student council president for goodness sake! You can't just order me around and tell me what to do…" The boy's voice slowly grew softer as Valerian approached him and sat on the chair in front of his table. The atmosphere shifts, almost as if the very air has grown heavy with his presence.

As Valerian settled into the chair, his posture exuded every bit ofconfidence and power. His spine was erect, shoulders squared, and his gaze was unwavering. His eyes, sharp and penetrating, seemed to dissect every detail and nuance in the room, including the person before him. Their unwavering focus felt like a spotlight, causing an involuntary shiver down Ken's spine.

His facial expressions remain composed, his features a mask of controlled emotions. A slight furrow of his brow might hint at his annoyance.

"The student council president…" Valerian said as he traced Ken's nameplate on the table. His voice had a trace of warning and amusement. "I wonder how long you'll be able to keep that position" Valerian thought out loud, bringing his fingeres to his chin as if in deep thought.

The boy–Ken apparently—just sighed in resignation as he snapped his finger and instantly two robots approached Ana and led her to another room. "Just 1 more year. Just 1 more year. Just 1 more year till I graduate" Ken repeated to himself like a prayer.

"Wow!" Ana couldn't help but gaso at the sheer size of the bathroom. "Is this a bathroom or a museum?!" She thought out loud. The walls of the bathroom were adorned with richly adorned paintings that depict scenes from various eras and cultures. The bathroom was as big as 3 dorm rooms combined with a large pool-like bathtub in the center and a few showers lining the sides.

The bathroom was filled with golden accents. The toilet seats, in particular, cught her eye with their meticulously crafted gold plating. "Why are the toilets gold?!" she exclaimed feeling uncomfortable seeing the toilet seat shimmer when the light hit it. The golden touches extend to the faucets, towel holders, and even the frames of the mirrors.

As she scanned the fraudulent and glamorous bathroom she couldn't help bit feel upset. The bathroom was a prime example of the many things that defined the line between the elites of the inner wards and the poverty-stricken outer wards. She knew the sanctuary wasn't fair but she didn't realize how bad the inequality and discrimination was until now.

Ana felt conflicted. Helping Valerian with the virus would make her gain more information but at the same time she had a feeling that if she said yes, there was no turning back.