Chapter 44: Revenge or Justice

•National Academy of Science, 1st Ward•



"If you're sorry, you know what to do." Valerian said. Ana felt the space beside her sink from the weight as Valerian took a seat beside her.

"Yes, I'll be your stupid guinea pig." Ana turned her head and locked eyes with Valerian. "On one condition."

"I don't think you're in a position to give conditions, sunshine." Valerian said, leaning closer towards her. Ana gulped as she felt the unfamiliar feeling in her chest resurfacing. She tried to will her hear to calm down but it was difficult to do with Valerian so close to her. Despite her internal fight, Ana did not falter and continued to furrow her brows at Valerian. "Help me find trinity." There was a few seconds of silence, then she added. "They killed my father. I want to find them."

"You want revenge?" He asked. Valerian's voice was deep with a faint hint of amusement in them.

"No." Ana said with conviction. "I want justice."