Chapter 54: Trois

•Nexus City, 5th Ward•


"David, Sophia, Shane!" Trois exclaimed, dropping his duffle bag and embracing each of them in turn. Their hugs were filled with so much love and longing that Ana couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. 

"I missed you guys so much." Trois said with a chuckle as he pulled them all into one big hug.

A little girl with pigtails handed Trois a bouquet filled with colorful wildflowers, and tears welled up in her eyes. "Welcome home, big brother."

"I'm home, kiddo." He said while rubbing the little girl's hair

"Guys, these are my siblings, this is our family's second son, David." Trois said gesturing to the young boy with the same brown hair and bright smile as him.

"This is Sophia" He gestured to a cute girl who had her hair in pigtails waving at them shyly while hiding behind Trois' back.