Chapter 82: We are going to die.

•Sanctuary Laboratory, 5th Ward•


Ana mentally facepalmed.

Ambrose and Ana knew they were out of time. Panic surged through them as they frantically tried to assess the damage they had inadvertently caused. Broken computers, wires entangled like serpents, and shattered glass were strewn across the floor, a visible testament to their ill-fated stumble.

"Sorry!" Ambrose exclaimed as they both rushed out of the room. Ana's sense of urgency heightened as she grabbed Ambrose's arm and hissed, "We have to go, now!" The entire floor was engulfed in red. 

Ambrose's heart pounded in his chest as he nodded in agreement, and they both dashed towards the exit, leaving the chaotic aftermath behind. Their footsteps were a discordant rhythm, echoing in the corridor, a stark contrast to the eerie silence that had once prevailed.