Chapter 74: Time to ask for help

•National Academy of Science, 1st Ward•


"Listen, I've been thinking..." Ana started.

"Well, that's new." Valerian jokes.

Ana rolled her eyes at him but continued anyway. "Eclarisse still hasn't opened up about what exactly happened but I'm guessing maybe she got bit by someone infected in the labs and the scientists found out she was immune to the virus or something along those lines."

Valerian touched his chin with his thumb in deep thought."It would explain why they've been keeping her under tight security when we found her last night." 

"They must have seen Eclarisse as a one in a million opportunity to try to find a cure for the virus." Ana thought.

Valerian nodded in agreement. "Perhaps she managed to escape after Trois's sacrifice but was captured not long after." His words were laced with a sense of determination, as if he were already formulating a plan.