Chapter 85: Daughter Of A Criminal


Amrbose chimed in, adding his perspective and recounting the daring escape from the secretive laboratory. Mostly he just chimed in to add, "BOW! BANG! CLASH! SWOOS!." And made sure to make the fight scenes as elaborate as possible 

Valerian listened in silence, his expression unreadable. He was the embodiment of authority and intellect, and it was clear that he was processing the information they had shared. His response would be a defining moment, one that would shape the future of their enigmatic journey and their relationship with the academy.

After all, if Valerian were to tell anyone about this, they could get expelled, imprisoned, or killed—maybe even all three. 

"So let me get this straight, you snuck into a high-security laboratory, went through classified files, stole a confidential piece of information, and knocked out numerous government personnel," Valerian said with a thoughtful hum.