Chapter 110: The Zombie Hordes


The 5th Ward was as gloomy as Ambrose had remembered. The same sad people walking along the same sad streets.

He could see various people carrying signs saying, "Save the fifth ward"

Ambrose sas trash littered the sidewalks, accumulating in forgotten corners and alleyways. Flickering street lights cast feeble glows upon the despondent faces of the people who shuffled along the sidewalks like ghosts.

It was still early in the morning but the place was already gloomy, covered in smoke, pollution and a disgusting smell that Ambrose couldn't quite place.

Ambrose scrunched his nose in disgust. 'Would it hurt for this place to feel even a little bit more alive?' He thought to himself.

It looked like a terribly gloomy place and Ambrose could understand why crime would foster in a place like this one. 

Ambrose opened his map and showed the others.

"I think it would be better if–"