
The inside of the chamber was especially well lit. 

"Bright light, it helps with keeping the mind clear." 

Before Shen asked, Elder Jian Hu immidiately answered. 

The insides of the chamber were not grand or anything, there were thousands of labelled drawers which contained alchemy materials along with tens of arrays. 

At the centre of each array, a cauldron was kept, another thing to note was that the concenteration of spiritual qi was higher inside the chamber. 

"Elder, what can I do for you," Shen asked in a pretentious worried tone. 

"No need to worry, your job for today is to stand in this array and after that, you are just supposed to arrange the materials into the drawers while also giving me the materials whenever I call for it." 

Jian Hu pointed his index finger towards the centre of the room, However there were to array marking there at all. 

"This is called a pill-cleanse array, you can use this to get rid of any stench that your body has accumulated." 

"You can't see it because the pill-cleanse is buried under the entire chamber itself, it is the essential component which deals with the medicinal stench after you're finished concuting the pills, now then, what is a medicinal stench?" 

"Erm... The stench left after you concut or eat a pill?" Shen vaguely answered. 

"That answer is only half-correct, medicinal stench is the leftover auroma left after concuting or eating a pill." 

"Medicinal stench itself has both spiritual and physical contents, spiritual contents are easier to remove as all that you have to do is overwrite it with the aura of your own spiritual qi." 

"However, it is both difficult and easy to remove the physical stench." 

"One way is to let the stench fade away naturally, however that can take months to happen, that is the easy method. 

However, the medicinal stench of pills affects the concuting of other pills, which can cause the refining to fail.

But then again, you can't physically see the stench because it is made up of extremely small particles which you can never hope to touch yet." 

"Thus, we need the help of arrays to extract all the physical remanants of the pill and throw it in a dustbin." 

"Thank you for your guidance Elder!" Shen thanked Jian Hu with a blow. 

Under Jian Hu's instruction, Shen went towards the centre of the chamber and stood there. 

After a few moments passed, a gust of wind started to flow through the room, attracting everything towards the centre with negligible force. 

At last the force descended on Shen Wang. 

"Cough! Cough!" 

The seemingly negligible force started to strengthen as it came in contact with Shen's body. 

"Arrrggghhhhh!" Shen cried out in pain as a viscous black substance started to seep out of his body. 

Every pore of Shen's body started to pour out some amounts of the viscous black substance. 

Elder Jian Hu's faced showed no fluctuation, as if he had already known what was going to happen. 

As soon as the black liquid would seep out of Shen's body, it would enter inside a jade cauldron kept beside him. 

Shen tried to fanatically free himself, however the force kept him tightly bounded, unable to even move an inch. 

Furthermore, with the loss of the black liquid, Shen's body started to become thinner at a visible rate. 

The audacious process lasted for a day, by now Shen's body was already as thin as a twig whereas the jade cauldron was filled with murky viscous substance. 

Shen would've fainted, however the regeneration and resistance effect still kept him consiouss, sadly he couldn't use his fingers to use any Minecraft cheats either. 

He didn't even have the strength to mumble anymore, for some reason the regeneration speed of his body was extremely low. 

"Are you sucidal?" At this moment Elder Jian Hu started to speak. 

However, Shen couldn't say or do anything due to fatigue. 

"Honestly, it's impressive, the amount of pill impurity that you've accumulated in you body is astounding!" 

"It's as if you've eaten an entire treasury of medicinal pills... huh S-H-E-N W-A-N-G" 


"Honestly, it's impressive how you managed to bypass the entire security system and even stay off the hook for almost a month." 

"But to think that the Pill thief would deliver himself to me through his own accord!" 

"It's hilarious Haaahaaa haaa haaa!" 

Jian Hu started to laugh loudly. 

"Hmm?" Jian Hu watched as Shen's body started to slowly heal. 

However, the speech of regeneration was quite good, it was at the middle level of Foundation Establishment! 

"So you still have some cards up your sleeves huh.... Well, of course you do, you managed to sleal all those resources after all." 

"H...ow... did y- you know?" Shen asked in a weak voice. 

His body had already healed to a degree that he could start speaking. 


"Ever since you came to my residence, why would you even come in a hundred meter radius of an Alchemist with all that residue pill impurities in you!" 

Jian Hu's face changed from laughter to mockery. 

"But.... you couldn't have done this alone, who's backing you," Jian Hu asked with a poker face. 

"W- What are you talking about?" 

"Do you take me as a fool? The only reason that you're still alive is because of the person backing you, now be a good assistant and tell me." 

By now, regeneration had already recovered most of Shen's body, blood had already regenerated and muscles had already put themselves together. 

Thus, Shen slowly stood up and raised his hands upwards to show that he was not trying to pull off any tricks. 

However, Shen's eyes were devoid of any fear as he looked directly into the eyes of Jian Hu and started speaking. 

"We have no intentions of interfering in your plans, I'm just here as a messanger and a negotiater." 

Jian Hu's tone changed after hearing Shen's words as a smile appeared on his face. 

Shen continued,"As a token of appretiation from our side, we would like to return all the spiritual materials which were acquired from the treasury." 

Shen immidiately took out all the Spiritual herbs and materials which he had stolen previously. 

"Haha, what appretiaion? This is just the price of cleaning your entire body's impurities," At this point Jian Hu's entire demeanour had changed as he started speaking.

"Now then, shall we talk business?"