Chaotic first day

Denton and I both make our way to the fourth floor of the school, and find Mrs.Wellgood's room. We were told by a teacher outside that we will find our full schedule in our homeroom class. In front of the teacher's desk with all of the schedules, were a large crowd of loud, screaming girls. "This is going to be annoying.", I mumbled. I saw Denton nod his head in agreement. "Here, I'll just go grab ours.", I sighed, While handing Denton my bag as he nods at me. I saw him walk to the back of the classroom and stand out of the way.

I push through the crowd and start looking for the papers. I find Denton's schedule but not mine. I look through the papers one more time, and I still cannot find my schedule. I sigh in irritation, then feel a hand gently grab my shoulder. I look up and over my shoulder, and see a head of red hair. It's Austin, I give him a questioning look, and he hands me a paper. I gently take it and take a look at it, and realize it's mine. I look around and see the girls are staring at Austin and I, while the room went silent. I quietly let out a, "Thank you.", to Austin and walked quickly back to Denton.

I grab Denton's hand and drag him outside into the hallway. We can hear the classroom gradually get loud again. "Why are those girls so weird?", Denton asks me. "I'm not sure", I replied. "Whatever, let's go sign up for our clubs." "Okay." We first go to the gym so Denton can sign up for basketball. I go and sit on the bleachers while I wait for him to finish. It looks like it may take a while, so I start looking at my phone. I recently released a new song called "Whispers", and I can see how well people like it. It is currently seventeenth on top one hundred in pop. Just as I was about to put away my phone it started ringing. I get up and make my way outside and pick up the call. "Hello?", I ask politely. "Hello, is this Kendrix? This is Thomas Andrews a film director for CJ studios. I was calling to ask you if you would like to create a song for a new animated movie? You will not have to record in person at our studio, and we will pay you 5 million for the song." "Oh please hold on a second.", I asked muting my microphone. Denton is now standing next to me with a pile of papers. "Am I interrupting?", Denton asked me in a low voice. "It's just a producer." "Oh ok, I'll go and get us some drinks while you finish your call." Denton walks off in the direction of the vending machines. I unmute my microphone and say that I will make the song and would like the information sent to me by my business email.

I start heading towards the vending machines and see Denton talking to a junior girl. I peek around the corner and hear Denton say, " No, I am sorry I can't go out with you, I have a girlfriend." I hear her start crying and running off. "First day back, and you're already breaking hearts, Denton?", I ask him in a joking manner. "Jeez, it's not funny Noah, they all know I'm with Taylor." I start laughing and he hands me an iced coffee drink. I drink it slowly while sitting down on a bench next to Denton. Twenty minutes pass with me teasing Denton. Finally,we hear the principal say it's time for the first day orientation over the intercom.