Afternoon with Austin

"oh, ok", Austin said. Before I could ask why he asked, I heard a worker call out my name. I go and grab the order and bring it back to our table. I place Austin's food and latte in front of him, and sit back down. This time across from him, to avoid our shoulders touching. I poke my straw through the lid and take a sip. I can feel him staring at me so I look at him questioningly. As soon as I do he turns his gaze away from me. I found it a bit weird, but I just kept eating my cheesecake. "Here", he said while wiping the corner of my mouth. "Hmm, oh thanks.", I replied, feeling my face get a bit hot.

When I was done, I just got up from my seat to leave. Before I did I felt him pull at the hem of my shirt. "Yes?", I asked him. "Let's walk home together.", he asked as he stood up. "Why?", I ask a bit confused. "It's late now.", he said grabbing me by the arm, and pulling me out of the cafe.

He walked quickly with my hand in his. "Why are you walking so fast?", I asked trying to catch my breath. "Didn't you see that guy following you?", he asked me obviously upset. "Huh?", I replied without thinking. "Oh my god, you're so oblivious.", he told me. "Is he gone?", I asked a bit worried. Austin sighed and started patting my head. "Jeez, without Denton around you, you attract a lot of attention you know?", he told me. I just tilt my head to show my confusion. He sighs again and grabs my hand again, and starts walking. He walks me home and before I can thank him, he leaves.

"Who was that, baby?, Mom asks as soon as I enter the front door. "Just a classmate.", I tell her while removing my shoes, and heading upstairs. I quickly finish my homework, and message Denton. I tell him about what happened, and he says he'll walk me home everyday from now on. I'm not sure what the big deal is, but Denton said it was because "I'm cute." I don't agree with that but, he said I do attract attention.