Nurse's office

Austin held me close to him, while Denton punched Preston again. Preston ran off, using the stairs from the roof. I look up at Austin, then at Denton and they both look pissed. "Thank you.", I said quietly, and they both looked at me. Denton walked up to us and patted me on the head, while Austin gently grabbed my wrists. I looked down at my wrist where I felt a sharp stinging pain. Around my wrists were bruised, blue and purple. Austin gently grabbed my hand and led me off of the roof.

Soon we made it to the nurse's office, where she took care of my wrists. They now had ointment and white bandages. Both Austin and Denton sat in the room as she wrapped up my wrists. When I was finished they walked me out to the outside tables. "Here, Noah.", Denton said while handing me my lunch. I didn't even see him pick it up after the commotion earlier. "Thank you.", I said quietly. I saw Austin walk off into the school, and I sat next to Denton and ate quietly. Austin came back shortly with a bottle of tea in his hands. He placed it next to me, and sat next to me and opposite of Denton.

Soon after I finished eating, I heard the bell ring. "Go to class, I'll deal with Preston.", Denton told me while handing me my bag. The rest of the day was quite uneventful, yet all I could think about was the commotion earlier, and I later walked home with Denton. I fell asleep at home shortly after.

It was now finally the weekend and I went to CJ studios to sign the contract for a song. I was covered head to toe in clothing, so my face wouldn't be seen. I signed the papers and showed them a few demos I already finished up. They wanted a very light hearted fun song, so they chose the one that represented that. I recorded the rest of the song in the studio, and they accepted it. They told me that they will finish up the rest of the chorus. Now all that was left was to do the interview later today. But first I wanted lunch first.

I went to a local seafood buffet restaurant and paid at the front. I grabbed what I wanted and sat down to eat. Suddenly I got another call, I sighed until I saw it was Denton. "Hi Denton, What's up?", I asked. "Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" "Sure", I replied not thinking anything of it. I finished eating and went home. Soon will be the radio interview, I'm honestly quite nervous.